The Palm Beach Post

Guns easy to get; just pay attention


Every day I open the paper and read about someone shooting someone else. It always poses the same question: Where did they get the guns?

I have been to gun stores, and the prices always shock me. I decided to look up an old friend from the Vietnam War who came home with PTSD and was considered to be crazy. He carried weapons around with him. Since he showed signs of paranoia and was very angry, I stayed away from him. I had lost touch and decided to look him up.

We both had aged a lot and talked about old times. I asked if he knew how to obtain a gun. He smiled and said it was easy. Anytime he wanted a gun he went to a bar and listened to guys bragging about the guns they owned. He said he would follow one of them home, case out their house and habits and stage a burglary to steal the guns from the guy. He said going to gun shows and listening to people bragging to dealers about what kind of guns they had at home was a good source, also.

He said most bad guys get their guns by listening to drunks bragging about their gun in their car or homes and stealing them. Some are even other bad guys that they steal them from.

So I decided to check it out and, sure enough, I heard good people who owned a gun for self-defense bragging about what they would do if someone broke into their homes and what guns they owned at a local bar.

So the very people who buy guns for self-defense are the ones supplying guns to bad guys. Now, that is the irony of our times.


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