The Palm Beach Post

UF spent $67,000 to cover event security


The University of Florida paid a local county government more than $67,000 to cover security costs for a speaking event last fall featuring white nationalis­t Richard Spencer.

The Gainesvill­e Sun reported Wednesday that UF sent Alachua County a check for $67,461.11 that school officials felt covered costs for the event. The county previously billed UF $302,000.

Protesters’ chants drowned out Spencer’s message Oct. 19. He called the protesters “babies” and “pathetic” before ending the event early.

The Sun estimated the event’s total cost at about $793,000. Spencer and his group paid $10,500. The city of Gainesvill­e says it spent about $224,000 on the event, while the Florida Highway Patrol spent $266,000.

Gov. Rick Scott had declared a “state of emergency” over worries that the event would spark violence. later that day — March 20 — to speak on charges of not paying more than a half-million dollars in child support.

But he didn’t show up for court, or for work as a commercial real estate agent. The judge reschedule­d his hearing for March 27, but he didn’t show then, either.

His wallet and passport were left in his home. Family members told police they’ve grown increasing­ly concerned.

Theoharis has been divorced since 2008. His ex-wife is fighting him for child support for their two daughters.

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