The Palm Beach Post



Monks at a monastery spent their time transcribi­ng ancient texts by hand. When they got computers to facilitate the process, it elicited a comment from the abbot: “Now we can have archaic and eat it too!”

At 6NT, South needs more than one slice of cake. He has 11 top tricks with many chances for one more. South starts by taking four clubs, pitching a diamond. East lets go a spade and a heart. South next leads a heart to his jack.

West wins with the queen and leads the jack of diamonds, and declarer takes the queen and continues with the top spades.

When West discards a heart, South cashes the A-K of diamonds next. East must save his jack of spades; he discards a heart. South discards his last spade.

At Trick 12, dummy leads a heart. When East follows low, his last card is the jack of spades. South also knows that West still has a high diamond, so South puts up the ace of hearts to make the slam. He has given himself every chance, ending with a squeeze.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 75 ♥ 653 ◆ AK 52 ♣ K Q 6 4. Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: Some players would climb in boldly with a double, especially since the vulnerabil­ity offers some protection. But the hand is more oriented to defending, and if your partner responded to a double by bidding two (or more) hearts, your support for the other major would be a major disappoint­ment. Pass.

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