The Palm Beach Post

Casting Comey

5 picks to play him in the inevitable movie.

- By Emily Heil Washington Post

Now that reviews of former FBI director James Comey’s muchantici­pated book are finally out and on your cable TV screen 24 hours a day, the armchair casting of a movie version of the reallife drama has begun. The idea of a big-screen adaptation isn’t so far-fetched — Comey is reportedly already mulling a Hollywood deal to secure the rights to his memoir, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership,” which hit shelves on Tuesday.

The big question? Who should play the guy President Donald Trump famously fired, of course. A few popular suggestion­s emerged on Twitter (and, lordy, we hope there are audition tapes!):

Vince Vaughn

The “Wedding Crashers” star actually does bear a passing resemblanc­e to Comey. Plus he’s tall, making him a top pick to play the 6-foot-8 former G-man.

Armie Hammer

At 31, he’s a little young to play the 57-year-old. But he’s also tall, and some on social media pointed to his “experience­s in political movies,” such as the 2011 film “J. Edgar,” in which he plays an FBI agent.

Kyle Chandler

The guy best known for playing Coach Taylor on “Friday Night Lights” got some votes. He has played an FBI agent in “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

John Cusack

We know the “Say Anything” actor is a fan — during Comey’s congressio­nal testimony last year, Cusack tweeted that “Comey (is) behaving how a president is supposed to behave.”

Ben Affleck

So long as he covers that unfortunat­e back tattoo, we could see the “Argo” star in the role. Plus, he has testified before Congress in real life, so that scene would be a snap.

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James Comey

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