The Palm Beach Post



Internet bridge has flourished with the advent of sites such as Bridge Base Online. You can play with people worldwide and watch major tournament­s with expert commentary. The ACBL and BBO have teamed up to offer sanctioned duplicate play, letting players compete from home.

When I watched today’s deal on BBO, all four players were experts. South’s opening bid of one club was strong and artificial. North’s one diamond was negative; his three diamonds was a “transfer.” South might have passed 3NT.

Against four hearts, West led the 10 of clubs: four, king, ace. South led a diamond to dummy’s king and lost a trump finesse. Later he drew trumps and lost a spade finesse. When diamonds split badly, he lost two tricks there. Down one.

South had winning lines, none clearly indicated. It seems to me he might have taken the A-K of diamonds early and lost a diamond, planning to ruff the fourth diamond — with his ace of trumps if necessary.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ Q93 ♥ QJ1053

◆ K852 ♣ 4. Your partner opens one club, you respond one heart and he bids one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: You have options. A rebid of two hearts might work but would show a six-card suit or a stronger five-carder. A raise to two spades might get you to a decent contract but would suggest four-card support. My uneasy choice would be a bid of 1NT, staying low.

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