The Palm Beach Post

This Earth Day, pledge to recycle all that you can

- By Jason Pelz Jason Pelz is vice president of recycling projects for the Carton Council of North America and vice president, environmen­t, for Tetra Pak Americas. He wrote this for InsideSour­

As Americans celebrate Earth Day with tree plantings, community cleanups and other eco-friendly activities, support for recycling has never been stronger, yet there remains a lot of room for improvemen­t.

The Recycling Partnershi­p estimates that if every U.S. family recycled properly, we would double the current recycling rate and capture 22 million more tons of recyclable­s each year. This would save 50 million metric tons of greenhouse gas annually, the equivalent of removing 10.5 million cars off the road every year.

So how do we try to achieve this? An easy first step is ensuring that we are recycling all that we can. That includes food and beverage cartons — the kind that package milk, juice, water, soup and other products found in grocery stores.

Europeans have recycled their cartons for decades, but only recently have Americans followed their lead. Today, cartons are considered a mainstream recyclable material, much like newspaper, plastic bottles and aluminum cans. People across the country are placing their cartons in recycling bins rather than tossing them in the trash.

New research by the Carton Council of North America offers proof. A survey of 6,900 U.S. adults showed that 61 percent of people said they always recycle their cartons, up 11 percent from a similar survey done two years ago. Overall, enthusiasm for recycling runs high. Ninety-four percent agreed that recycling is important and that people should do whatever they can to recycle.

As recycling has evolved, so too have recycling logos and informatio­n on packaging, which can boost the chances of a product being recycled. The Carton Council’s survey found that people look to a product’s packaging first to figure out if an item is recyclable.

However, just because a package doesn’t have a recycling symbol, people shouldn’t assume that it can’t be recycled. What can and can’t be recycled varies by community and is primarily dependent on the recycling facilities where the materials go. To find out for sure, consumers should check with their local community and its website.

Another way to improve recycling is by attacking persistent myths. For example, unless your local program says otherwise, people shouldn’t bag recyclable­s before putting them in their recycling bin. Plastic bags get jammed in recycling equipment. Instead, put recyclable­s loosely in bins or carts.

There’s no need to crush containers or remove caps, either. Empty the contents and put them in the bin and let the recycling profession­als handle the rest.

Cartons come in two types: shelf-stable cartons for soup, water, juice, beans, wine and other products; and gable-top cartons for milk, juice, cream and other items found in the refrigerat­ed section. It’s important to know that there’s no such thing as a “waxy” carton. What some people think is wax is a plastic coating. Cartons are lightweigh­t by design. Most average 93 percent product and just 7 percent packaging, which helps preserve the Earth’s resources.

Once recycled cartons are collected and hauled to a sorting center, they are separated from other materials, baled and shipped to facilities where they get a second life. At paper mills, cartons are made into new products, such as printing and writing paper, tissues and paper towels.

Alternativ­ely, cartons go to a manufactur­ing company in Des Moines, Iowa, that converts them into green constructi­on materials for homes and buildings. The ReWall Co. incorporat­es the entire carton, caps and all, to make building materials using no water, formaldehy­de glues or hazardous chemicals. Imagine a giant panini press fusing the cartons together into big sheets of roofing, flooring and wallboard material. The finished product is strong, durable and resistant to mold and moisture.

As with many ecofriendl­y products, demand for these building materials is growing. ReWall recently expanded its operations, increasing its appetite for even more recycled cartons.

So as Americans look for ways to protect the planet this Earth Day, they should look at recycling and whether they are doing everything they can to recycle the right materials and recycle more of them. Recycling does make a difference and still is the simplest way one person can help the environmen­t.

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