The Palm Beach Post

Facts show fossil fuels have benefits we shouldn’t dismiss

- By Marlo Lewis Marlo Lewis is a senior fellow at the Competitiv­e Enterprise Institute. He wrote this for InsideSour­

Earth Day turns 48 this year, and thousands of activists will “recycle” their calls for greater government control over energy resources and infrastruc­ture. Is that a cause we should support or oppose?

The question is important because abundant, affordable and reliable energy is vital to human flourishin­g, and government regulation­s put this resource at risk. On the other hand, Earth Day protesters claim our fossil-fueled civilizati­on is “unsustaina­ble” and headed for a climate catastroph­e. Are they correct?

Prediction is difficult, especially about the future. Yet an abundance of informatio­n from high-quality sources reveals the state of the world is improving. Long-term trends in human health and welfare are strongly positive.

Since 1950, annual global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions increased by 500 percent, and the world warmed about 0.8 degree centigrade. And according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion, each of the past 17 years ranks among the warmest since the 1880s. Anthropoge­nic global warming is real. However, that doesn’t mean the planet and, more important, the people who inhabit it are in peril.

Globally, life expectancy increased by 54 percent, from 48 years in 1950 to 74 in 2015. All regions made substantia­l gains, including Africa, the poorest continent, where life expectancy rose by 68 percent.

Many activists claim global warming will make diseases like malaria more prevalent by extending mosquito-breeding seasons. However, global malaria infections and deaths are down 22 percent and 44 percent, respective­ly, since 2000.

Some scientists claim warming will depress crop yields. Yet global yields for wheat, rice and soy were higher in 2014 than in 2000, and U.S. corn yields increased by 26 percent.

During that time frame, improved yields contribute­d to a 5 percent increase in food availabili­ty per person even though the global population grew by 21 percent. Similarly, the global percentage of undernouri­shed people declined from 15 percent in 2000 to 8 percent in 2015.

What about quality of life? From 2000 to 2015, per capita GDP increased by 47 percent in Africa, and by much-larger percentage­s in Asia and Latin America. As a consequenc­e, the share of world population living in absolute poverty — people who earn less than $1.90 per day — declined from 29 percent to 9.5 percent. Life years lost because of disability and disease also declined for all age categories, especially young children and the elderly.

To be sure, hundreds of millions are still hungry and poor, and millions die each year from preventabl­e diseases. But the trends are moving in the right direction — despite climate change. Why is that?

For starters, the warming rate is gradual and fairly constant, not rapid and accelerati­ng, as it’s often claimed. Climate change is not “worse than we thought,” it’s better than they told us.

More important, increasing wealth and technologi­cal innovation make societies less vulnerable to the effects of weather and climate. For example, since 1990, weather-related losses as a share of global GDP declined by about one-third. Since the 1920s, global deaths and death rates related to extreme weather decreased by 93 percent and 98 percent, respective­ly.

As fossil fuel consumptio­n increased, the environmen­t became more livable and human civilizati­on more sustainabl­e. That’s not a coincidenc­e. Energy scholar Alex Epstein explains: Human beings using fossil fuels did not take a safe climate and make it dangerous; they took a dangerous climate and made it safer.

In addition, by making agricultur­e more productive, fossil fuels helped rescue nature from humanity. Climate economist Indur Goklany estimates that maintainin­g the current level of food production without fossil fuels would require converting billions of acres of wildlife habitat into cropland. Farmland expansion is expected to peak during 2020-40, which means a growing humanity should be able to feed itself and coexist with other species.

Thanks in no small part to fossil fuels, the world today is healthier, wealthier and safer than ever before in history. And there’s no evidence the economic and social progress is about to stop.

Unfortunat­ely, most Earth Day protesters won’t see it this way — even though the results are right in front of them.

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