The Palm Beach Post

Time for state-issued ID for immigrants


Regarding the article “PEACE calls for community IDs, slams commission­ers who skipped meeting” (Wednesday):

The reason for these IDs is that after Sept.

11, federal ID requiremen­ts increased, making immigrants here illegally ineligible for driver’s licenses. The result? Millions of unlicensed drivers who have to drive to work, making our roads less safe.

We need to press our state government for the solution adopted by Illinois, Connecticu­t and about 10 other states: State-issued, secure driver permits that function as limited IDs, clearly labeled and in no way conferring legal immigratio­n status.

This solution increases safety on the road and security with regard to identity. Until we solve our immigratio­n issues, and since undocument­ed families are here (450,000 persons in South Florida), let us all have safer driving and more compliance with the law.

As to the homeless, the elderly and other groups, 30 minutes of online research will show that we already have ways for them to obtain IDs and needed services. The most secure ID is government-issued ID.

When 2,000 people show up with a concern, county commission­ers need to attend or send a representa­tive or statement. There is no excuse for lack of response. MARICELI ALMON,

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