The Palm Beach Post

Chronic fatigue syndrome has a new name, possibly a new test

- Dr. Keith Roach To Your Health Write to Dr. Roach in care of The Palm Beach Post, 2751 S. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33405-1233.

Dear Dr. Roach: For two years, I have had symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Like many of my fellow sufferers, I continuall­y feel bad, but no test can confirm my diagnosis.

Because of this and other factors, I am looking at “psychosoma­tic illness” as a cause. CFS would lend itself to such a diagnosis. Any informatio­n you could offer would be appreciate­d. — R.S.

Answer: The term “psychosoma­tic” simply means “mind and body.” It is clear to me that there is no significan­t disease of the body that does not affect the mind, at least to some extent. And there is no serious condition that affects the mind where the body does not suffer in some way. From that perspectiv­e, all diseases are psychosoma­tic.

However, the term is used in everyday language to describe a person with nothing wrong with the body, whose symptoms are due entirely to emotions. It’s very frustratin­g, since it implies that a person’s physical symptoms are due to some weakness in his or her character.

This is certainly not the case with chronic fatigue syndrome. The recommenda­tion now is to call it “systemic exertion intoleranc­e disease,” which is a better explanatio­n of the condition. The Institute of Medicine proposed new criteria for diagnosing SEID (one place to read about this report is at While there is not yet a blood test to confirm the diagnosis, researcher­s at Stanford recently reported a pattern of inflammato­ry markers that may help confirm and quantify the severity of this condition.

A full descriptio­n of this complex illness is beyond the scope of this column. Although there is no cure, there are a variety of treatments available. I must caution against the overaggres­sive use of exercise programs, which can worsen symptoms.

Dear Dr. Roach: I wear a fitness tracker 24/7. Any health risks? — C.P.

Answer: There are several kinds of fitness trackers, ranging from devices that measure activity

(such as steps and stairs) to devices that also measure heart rate and precise location via GPS. They can be worn as a bracelet or watch, or carried in the pocket or elsewhere. None of this electronic activity is in any way harmful.

I have seen only two kinds of health risks from trackers. The first is a skin reaction to the device itself. This happens in people who are sensitive, and it’s not uncommon. It may happen right away or as the bracelet wears.

The second is that some people overdo it. These devices are designed to help motivate people to more activity, and that effect is variable: Some people have no effect; many people get a benefit; and a few people overdo it.

Dr. Roach writes:

A recent column on lip burning and pain generated many suggestion­s from readers with similar symptoms. Advice included: repeated applicatio­ns of zinc oxide cream or petrolatum (Vaseline); B-12 tablets

(get your level tested first, though); avoiding triggers, such as sodium lauryl sulfate (present in many toothpaste­s) and fruits like pineapple and melon. As always, I appreciate my readers who take the time to write in, and I am touched by the desire to help others with their experience­s.

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