The Palm Beach Post

Missiles in Syria kill over a dozen, many Iranians

- By Bassem Mroue

BEIRUT — A missile attack on government outposts in northern Syria killed more than a dozen pro-government fighters, many of them Iranians, a war monitoring group and an Iranian news agency said Monday. The strikes came amid soaring tensions between regional archenemie­s Israel and Iran.

There was no official confirmati­on of the death toll or what was the target. The Sunday night strikes sparked speculatio­n on who carried it out, with most reports suspecting Israel was behind it.

Syrian state TV called it a “new aggression on military positions” in Hama and Aleppo provinces but was not specific. Activists said there was a spectacula­r explosion at an arms depot and military compounds where Iranian fighters are based. The explosion was large enough to be picked up by monitors as a magnitude 2.6 earthquake.

The Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights said 26 pro-government fighters were killed, most of them Iranians, with only four Syrians among the dead. It said the arms depot contained surface-to-surface missiles belonging to Iranian militias in Hama province. Another attack hit near a military air base in Aleppo province, the Observator­y said.

It added that the death toll could rise, since 60 fighters were wounded and several others remained missing.

A member of an Iranian-backed Iraqi militia operating in Syria confirmed the attack on the Hama facility and put the death toll at 36, including 10 Iranian advisers. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

Iranian media gave conflictin­g reports: One semioffici­al news agency said there were no Iranians killed, while a second one said 18 were killed.

The arms depot in Hama, known as Brigade 47, is one of the largest bases housing Iranian-affiliated forces and equipment, according to Jamil al-Saleh, commander in the opposition Tajammu al-Ezzat rebel group. He said the province has at least five other bases where Iranians are deployed alongside Syrianalli­ed militias.

The two airstrikes were near rebel areas, he added.

“It was like an earthquake hit Hama,” al-Saleh said by telephone from Hama province. He and the Observator­y said they suspect Israel was behind the attack.

Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar daily, considered close to the militant Iranian-backed Hezbollah group and the Syrian government, said the attack targeted “important arms depots used by the (Syrian) army and Iran’s Revolution­ary Guards.” It said the missiles used appear to have been bunker busters.

Syria-based opposition media activist Mohamad Rasheed said that base that came under attack is about 7 miles outside the city of Hama, adding that the airstrike led to several explosions in the arms depot. He added that the area is known as the Maarin Mountain or Mountain 47.

Some of the exploding missiles in the arms depot struck parts of Hama, Rasheed said, adding that residents near the base fled their homes. He said the base has been run by Iranian and Iran-backed fighters from Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanista­n and Pakistan.

Tehran has sent thousands of fighters to Syria to support President Bashar Assad’s forces in the seven-year civil war.

Following the attacks, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the time when Tehran’s enemies can “hit and run” is over, although he did not specifical­ly refer to Sunday night’s strikes.

“They know if they enter military conflict with Iran, they will be hit multiple times,” he said in comments at a meeting with workers, according to his website.

There was no immediate comment from Israel, which rarely confirms or denies its attacks.

The attack came hours after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talked by phone with President Donald Trump. The White House said they discussed the threats and challenges facing the Middle East, “especially the problems posed by the Iranian regime’s destabiliz­ing activities.”

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ratcheted up the Trump administra­tion’s rhetoric against Iran and offered support to Israel and Saudi Arabia in their standoff with Tehran.

“We remain deeply concerned about Iran’s dangerous escalation of threats to Israel and the region and Iran’s ambition to dominate the Middle East remains,” Pompeo said after meeting Sunday with Netanyahu during his first trip abroad as the top U.S. diplomat. “The United States is with Israel in this fight.”

Israel has cited Iran’s hostile rhetoric, support for anti-Israel militant groups and developmen­t of longrange missiles.

Iranian state TV reported the attack, citing Syrian media.

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