The Palm Beach Post



Many pairs treat a 2NT response to a major-suit opening bid as an artificial forcing raise, so today’s North had to temporize with a two-club response.

South’s leap to six spades was speculativ­e, but he found the right cards in dummy and handled the play well. He took the ace of diamonds and set out to get a count of the defenders’ distributi­on: He ruffed a diamond, led a trump to dummy, ruffed a diamond and drew trumps with the ace and jack.

Declarer next let the queen of hearts ride. West won and returned a heart, and South took the jack and ace.

When East discarded, declarer had the informatio­n he needed. He knew West had held three spades, five hearts and at least four diamonds (West had obligingly kept his queen), so one club at most. So South led a club to the king and confidentl­y returned a club to his 10.

“Counting the hand” is a simple process. It takes focus and practice, but anyone can do it.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ QJ7 ♥ Q103 ◆ A 107 ♣ K J 9 4. Your partner opens one diamond. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: Over a minorsuit opening bid, most pairs treat a 2NT response as natural and game-forcing. If that is your agreement, bid 2NT. Some pairs use the bid as invitation­al, showing about 11 points. I dislike that treatment and avoid it because a continuati­on of the auction is often undefined and awkward.

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