The Palm Beach Post

Schools seeing new effort to teach civics

Educators address citizen disconnect from government.

- Alina Tugend

MAMARONECK, N.Y. — About 30 freshmen in a New York high school are seated in their classroom on a recent morning, laptops in front of them.

They are finishing the first year of a new initiative: a four-year program called Original Civic Research and Action, which requires them to immerse themselves in the workings of their town of Mamaroneck — just north of New York City — and find a useful solution to an ongoing problem.

The project — for which students get no school credit in the first year — is the brainchild of Joseph Liberti, a longtime government and history teacher at the high school.

And it is emblematic of a renewed nationwide effort to address, at both the high school and college level, issues that have been laid bare over the past few years — a lack of understand­ing of and trust in most civic institutio­ns, a disconnect­ion from government at all levels and intoleranc­e for those who think and act differentl­y.

Although he had been pondering such a program for years — modeled on similar ones the school had in drama and science — the election of President Donald Trump gave it a new urgency and “launching it became much easier in 2016,” Liberti said. “The energy was there, and I was able to ride that wave.”

He expected 12 students to sign up. He ended up with 32.

Many say the increased focus on science and mathematic­s, as well as standardiz­ed tests, has squeezed out time that once would have been devoted to such courses.

And tests results and surveys show that students’ — and most Americans’ — knowledge of their history and the structure of their government is abysmal. Scores from the National Assessment of Educationa­l Progress state that in 2014, only 18 percent of eighth-graders scored “at” or “above proficient” in American history and 23 percent scored “at” or “above proficient” in civics.

A survey last year by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvan­ia found that 37 percent of those surveyed couldn’t name any of the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment and about 75 percent don’t know all three branches of government.

For years, a number of organizati­ons have promoted teaching civics, such as the Center for Civic Education, which provides curriculum­s and holds annual competitio­ns for upper elementary and middle-school students; iCivics, a nonprofit civics education group started by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; and the Civics Education Initiative, which lobbies states to require students to pass a civics test before graduating.

But more needs to be done, especially in light of the divided state of the country, many say, and individual­s and institutio­ns are taking on the challenge. One example

Ron Berger Chief academic officer of EL Education, a nonprofit network of about 160 public and charter schools nationwide

‘This is not just about a high school civics class. It’s not to prepare students for tests, but to prepare them to be active, contributi­ng citizens. We’ve forgotten about that as a nation.’

is Polaris Charter Academy in Chicago, whose students last year led a campaign to address gun violence in their community; as part of that they studied the Constituti­on and the Second Amendment and worked with legislator­s, police, activists and gang members.

“This is not just about a high school civics class. It’s not to prepare students for tests, but to prepare them to be active, contributi­ng citizens,” said Ron Berger, chief academic officer of EL Education, a nonprofit network of about 160 public and charter school nationwide. “We’ve forgotten about that as a nation.”

Polaris is one of EL Education’s schools.

Including civics education and engagement means “that when they go to college, the kids are used

to being in a deep dialogue — they’re not going in with the idea that there’s one right answer,” he added. “They learn to negotiate and hear different perspectiv­es.”

And hearing different perspectiv­es is something that’s sorely lacking across the country.

Jacobi Kandel, 14, who is taking the Mamaroneck High School class, said that after the 2016 presidenti­al election, she realized how little she understood about the rest of the country.

“This town is liberal, and I thought that was the way of the world,” she said. “I totally thought Hillary was going to be the first female president. Then I woke up and said, ‘What’s going on?’”

For those teaching civics and civic engagement, the goal isn’t to get students to finish one project, but to make community involvemen­t a habit — and one type of action often does lead to another. David Hogg, a survivor of the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., and one of the most active student voices calling for stronger gun laws, is now focused on registerin­g students to vote.

Hogg, who said he was not politicall­y active before the shooting, helped organize a May 29 voter registrati­on drive in about 1,000 schools in 46 states; he coordinate­d the effort with HeadCount, a national nonprofit that registers voters, primarily at music festivals and concerts.

Registerin­g students to vote isn’t easy, he said. “There’s a complacenc­y, and it’s hard to get anyone engaged in anything that doesn’t affect them.” Less than half of 18-to-24-year olds nationwide voted in the 2016 presidenti­al election, the poorest turnout of any age group.

But moving the needle on that complacenc­y is what civics and civic engagement is all about, Liberti said. “The goal is not just to produce informed citizens, but citizens who know how to make change.”

 ?? SAIT SERKAN GURBUZ / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? An honor guard conducts a presidenti­al full honor wreath-laying ceremony Feb. 12 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., to commemorat­e the 209th birthday of the 16th president, who served from 1861 to 1865.
SAIT SERKAN GURBUZ / ASSOCIATED PRESS An honor guard conducts a presidenti­al full honor wreath-laying ceremony Feb. 12 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., to commemorat­e the 209th birthday of the 16th president, who served from 1861 to 1865.

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