The Palm Beach Post

Painful jaw clenching may be TMJ disorder

- Dr. Keith Roach To Your Health Write to Dr. Keith Roach at King Features, 300 W. 57 Street, 15th floor, New York, NY 10019-5238

Dear Dr. Roach: I have developed the habit of unconsciou­sly clenching my jaw during the day. I tend to worry about things and have trouble turning off enough to relax. I actually don’t mind clenching my jaw, since it offers some relief. But now my jaw hurts on one side when I chew food, and sometimes I have trouble opening my mouth wide enough to take a bite of food. Sometimes my jaw clicks, and I worry that if can somehow open my mouth wide enough, it will get stuck there. I also have developed a mild earache that comes and goes on the side where the pain is. I’m worried that I have caused damage to my jaw. Can you help me? — J.S.B.

Answer: Jaw clenching during the day is something many do, and if you watch people carefully, you will observe it in people you know. It can be a reaction to stress or anxiety, or it may simply be a habit people have during concentrat­ion. It can, in some cases, be a manifestat­ion of a medical condition, such as Parkinson’s disease, or related to medication­s, especially ones used for psychiatri­c conditions. Tooth clenching, or grinding, goes by the medical name of bruxism, and while it commonly happens during sleep, some people, like you, have awake bruxism.

It’s pretty clear from your descriptio­n that you have temporoman­dibular joint disorder, a group of conditions that all manifest with problems in the joint where your lower jaw attaches to your skull, just in front of and below the ear.

Given your clear associatio­n of the jaw clenching with worrying and being unable to relax, it would be best to treat those first. There are behavioral treatments and other types of non-pharmacolo­gic treatments, like working with a licensed therapist or counselor. You also should have a regular visit with your dentist, if you haven’t recently. In the short term, an anti-inflammato­ry medication, like ibuprofen or naproxen, may provide relief.

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