The Palm Beach Post

Study: Diet soda tied to less cancer

Colon cancer survivors less likely to see a recurrence.

- By Nyssa Kruse Tribune News Service

A new study by Yale University researcher­s found people who drank diet soda after beating colon cancer were less likely to see a recurrence and less likely to die than those who didn’t drink diet soda.

Of the 1,018 patients researcher­s analyzed, those who drank one or more 12-ounce artificial­ly sweetened drink per day saw a 46 percent improvemen­t in risk of cancer recurrence or death compared to those who didn’t drink such beverages.

“Artificial­ly sweetened drinks have a checkered reputation in the public because of purported health risks that have never really been documented,” said the study’s senior author, Charles Fuchs, director of Yale Cancer Center. “Our study clearly shows they help avoid cancer recurrence and death in patients who have been treated for advanced colon cancer and that is an exciting finding.”

Risk factors for colon cancer include obesity and poor diet. Researcher­s attribute half the benefit of diet drinks to patients substituti­ng diet sodas for drinks full of sugar. Drinking a diet beverage cuts that extra sugar from a patients’ diet.

“While the associatio­n between lower colon cancer recurrence and death was somewhat stronger than we suspected, the finding fits in with all that we know about colon cancer risk in general,” Fuchs said. “Factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, a diet linked to diabetes — all of which lead to an excess energy balance — are known risk factors.”

Sugary drinks and diets high in sugar have been shown in dozens of studies to contribute to obesity in the general population.

There is no consensus on how bad artificial­ly sweetened soda is for people, but a study released in April by a researcher at the Medical College of Wisconsin and Marquette University found that artificial sweeteners negatively affected energy metabolism and the processing of fats in rats.

“It is not as simple as ‘stop using artificial sweeteners’ being the key to solving overall health outcomes related to diabetes and obesity,” lead researcher Brian Hoffmann said in a news release. “As with other dietary components, I like to tell people moderation is the key if one finds it hard to completely cut something out of their diet.”

In a separate cancer study, unrelated to soda, Yale researcher­s found cancer patients using complement­ary treatments — such as yoga, acupunctur­e, homeopathy and others — alongside traditiona­l treatments, like chemothera­py, were more likely to die than those only using traditiona­l treatments.

Researcher­s attribute this finding to the willingnes­s of people using complement­ary treatments to refuse a component of traditiona­l treatment. “There is a great deal of confusion about the role of complement­ary therapies,” said lead author Skyler Johnson, chief resident in radiation oncology at Yale School of Medicine. “Although they may be used to support patients experienci­ng symptoms from cancer treatment, it looks as though they are either being marketed or understood to be effective cancer treatments.”

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