The Palm Beach Post

ICE in dire need of an audit, but shouldn’t be abolished

- Mary Sanchez She writes for the Kansas City Star.

The self-defeating #AbolishICE movement got played against the very Democrats who support it last week.

On Wednesday, Republican­s brought to vote in the U.S. House of Representa­tives a nonbinding resolution in support of U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t, or ICE, the federal agency that, among other things, apprehends and deports undocument­ed immigrants.

The resolution passed easily with a vote of 244 to 35, with 133 members merely voting “present.” The 133 astutely perceived that a nay vote would show up in campaign literature in November painting them as soft on national security.

If you haven’t heard about #AbolishICE yet, maybe you don’t watch enough Fox News or follow enough angry leftists on Twitter. The #AbolishICE hashtag represents a growing movement to push back against the greatly expanded deportatio­n and detention efforts — including separating children from their parents — that Trump has made a centerpiec­e of his administra­tion.

But abolish is a tough word.

Entirely absent from the House legislatio­n is any notion of examining the $6 billion agency’s effectiven­ess or fairness. That, indeed, would be a better tack for Democrats to take.

How about getting behind #AuditICE?

Consider that 19 Homeland Security special agents in charge have deftly made an argument in favor of such an examinatio­n. Last month, they wrote a letter gracefully laying out the problems with the president’s policies, making the case that the rogue nature of deportatio­ns of late is undercutti­ng their role. It was addressed to Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of homeland security, who oversees ICE.

The agents are with Homeland Security Investigat­ions, HSI, which deals with transnatio­nal terrorism threats, human traffickin­g, child exploitati­on, the smuggling firearms and narcotics fueling the opioid epidemic, and cyber-security.

They want to be separated from the agents of Enforcemen­t and Removal Operations, or ERO, which does exactly what the name implies.

These folks are the arm of DHS that is causing the headlines of late, the protests and the hashtag #AbolishICE.

In short, the agents argued that they can’t do their job effectivel­y because they are seen as too close to the highly criticized, highly politicize­d nature of ERO. You could say that the Trump administra­tion’s harsh handling of immigrants is affecting their work. “Many jurisdicti­ons continue to refuse to work with HSI because of a perceived linkage to the politics of civil immigratio­n,” their letter stated.

Don’t expect #AbolishICE to go away anytime soon. It, too, has some political legs.

In fact, the left’s new

“it” girl, the recent congressio­nal nominee Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, has thrown her support behind the movement, rightfully raising questions about the agency’s role in separating and terrorizin­g otherwise law-abiding families with the threat of deportatio­n.

Yes, ICE, or more specifical­ly ERO, needs an overhaul. It needs to be gutted and turned inside out and realigned to do the job that it was intended for in the first place: keeping America safe. That requires an audit, not abolition.

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