The Palm Beach Post

What apologies will we owe for our social blind spots?

- He writes for the Washington Post.

Michael Gerson

In the early 1930s, one of America’s leading eugenicist­s, Madison Grant, received a letter thanking him for writing his book “The Passing of a Great Race,” which the letter’s author called his “Bible.” The compliment came from Adolf Hitler.

And no wonder. In “The Passing of a Great Race,” Grant wrote: “Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimenta­l belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the eliminatio­n of defective infants and the sterilizat­ion of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the obliterati­on of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race.”

In his brilliant history of the eugenics movement, “War Against the Weak,” Edwin Black traces the influence of Grant’s book in paragraph after paragraph of “Mein Kampf.” In the early 20th century, America was the world leader in the practice of eugenics, which was generally viewed as modern, scientific and progressiv­e. Teddy Roosevelt wrote that “society has no business to permit degenerate­s to reproduce their kind.” States eventually coercively sterilized around 60,000 human beings. It was only after Germany pressed eugenics to Grant’s logical conclusion that the practice was medically discredite­d.

Why did so many decent people in America at the time fail to see the cruelty and unfairness of what they were doing? What caused such blindness to democratic and humane values? These questions are comforting to us, because they are accusation­s against the past. More importantl­y and less comfortabl­y: What are the social practices we currently encourage or accept that future generation­s might find inexplicab­le?

One might be the historical­ly unpreceden­ted level of imprisonme­nt in a free nation. The number of people behind bars in America rose from 314,000 in 1979 to about 2 million in mid2013. Taking violent criminals off the streets for longer periods surely had some good social effects. But routine incarcerat­ion involving millions of people is a vast, high-stakes social experiment. What happens when a criminal justice system sweeps up large numbers of people for relatively nonviolent offenses, including many African-Americans, and places them in dangerous, dysfunctio­nal institutio­ns and then, upon release, denies them basic democratic rights?

Or consider the widespread use of psychoacti­ve drugs. Three decades ago, about one in 50 Americans was on antidepres­sant medication. Today, it is one in nine. I am the last to dispute that antidepres­sants can play an essential role in the treatment of depression and have improved countless lives, but it is hard to deny a broader social tendency to use chemical compounds to take the hard edges off of life.

My candidate for our most stunning form of complacenc­y concerns a kind of decentrali­zed eugenics based on parental choice. The United Nations Population Fund estimates that 126 million women are now “missing” around the world due to gender-biased sex selection — which includes abortion after ultrasound scans, death from neglect, and infanticid­e. In some places since the 1990s, there have been 25 percent more births of males than females. What will be the social effects of this kind of gender imbalance on things like sexual violence and traffickin­g?

You probably have your own candidates for social blind spots. But it is worth stepping back an considerin­g what apologies we might owe to the future.

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