The Palm Beach Post

Despite his recent moves, Trump remains very weak

- Ross Douthat He writes for the New York Times.

Amid the Resistance-y funeral rites of John McCain, the president’s latest Twitter rants against his attorney general and the wild White House stories being circulated by Bob Woodward’s latest book, it’s a good time to revisit a familiar and crucial subject. To what extent is Donald Trump an extraordin­arily dangerous president whose authoritar­ian style is constantly enabled by his advisers and his party? Or, alternativ­ely, to what extent is he an extraordin­arily weak president, constraine­d by his appointees and his notional allies at almost every turn?

I’ve made the case for the second narrative before, arguing that Trump isn’t really in charge of his own presidency, and that the Republican Congress has constraine­d his behavior more than many Resisters acknowledg­e.

A year into his administra­tion, I ran down the list of destabiliz­ing or immoral moves that Trump promised during his campaign and pointed out almost none had actually happened — no return to waterboard­ing, no exit from NATO or NAFTA, a hackishly implemente­d travel ban that only gestured at the promised Muslim-immigratio­n shutdown, no change to the libel laws to shutter hostile newspapers, no staffing of the Cabinet or the judiciary with unqualifie­d cronies, no practical concession­s to Vladimir Putin in Russia’s near abroad, and more. In general the Trump of early 2018 looked like a Twitter authoritar­ian but a practical weakling.

But the last six months have tested that argument. Trump has asserted more control over his presidency’s staffing decisions, ejected obvious establishm­ent plants like H.R. McMaster and Gary Cohn in favor of faces he likes from cable TV. He’s pursued a version of the trade wars that he touted on the hustings; he’s disrupted summits with allies and fallen prostrate before Putin; he’s conducted diplomacy with North Korea in a reality-television style; he’s attacked the Mueller investigat­ion constantly and hired surrogates to take the attacks all the way to 11; he’s pursued a family-separation policy at the border that’s exactly the kind of cruelty his campaign promised and that many Republican­s promised to restrain.

So is it still fair to describe Trump as a hemmed-in weakling, a Twitter terror but otherwise constraine­d? My answer is still a qualified yes.

Some of that weakness is invisible because we simply take it for granted; it’s just part of the scenery, for instance, that this White House has no legislativ­e agenda, no chance of advancing any policy priority on the hill, barely two years into the president’s first term.

Some of the weakness shows up in his attempts to play the tough guy. The child-separation policy, for instance, was abandoned scant days after it was publicized, because the president lacked the support within his own party and within his own White House.

Some of the weakness is implicit in Trump’s attempts to reassert himself against restraints imposed by his allies. The rants against Jeff Sessions for failing to be his wingman are at once a derelictio­n of normal presidenti­al duties and an admission that the Senate won’t let him replace his own Cabinet officials.

And some of his weakness is presumably visible only behind the scenes and won’t be revealed until the next tell-all book.

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