The Palm Beach Post



Unlucky Louie continues as my club’s foremost proponent of Murphy’s Law.

Louie was today’s declarer at four spades, and

West led a club: three, jack. Louie took his ace since a heart shift would be damaging. He next cashed the K-Q of trumps and led the ace and a second diamond to set up a discard for a heart loser.

West won and led another club, and East took the queen and returned a diamond. Louie threw a heart as planned — and West ruffed. The defense also got a heart trick for down one.

“Just when I see a light at the end of the tunnel,” Louie grumbled, “the tunnel collapses.”

Louie erred. He must take only the king of trumps, then lead a low diamond without cashing the ace. If West wins and leads the king and a third club, Louie ruffs and takes the queen of trumps and ace of diamonds. He reaches dummy with the ace of trumps to discard a heart on the high diamond.


You hold: ♠ J95 ♥ Q108 ◆ K3 ♣ K10762.Your partner opens one diamond, you respond 1NT, he bids two clubs and you raise to three clubs. Partner next bids three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner is interested in game (at least) and has “bid out his pattern” to help you judge how well the hands fit. You have little “waste” in spades and a fifth club, hence be aggressive. Bid five clubs or four diamonds. Partner mayhold2,A94,AQ765, AQ95.

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