The Palm Beach Post

COVID up in Fla. but don’t expect leaders to care


Yes, COVID-19 really is back in our state.

Yes, there has been a steady rise in cases of the virus that has killed more than 90,000 people in Florida since early 2020.

And, no, our leaders still don’t care.

At all.

Not one bit.

You see, in a state where leaders actually care about the return of COVID-19 – which, in one form or another, has taken the lives of 1.1 million Americans over the past three years – the health department would take a highly proactive approach to keeping citizens informed about the reemerging threat. In Florida?


Here in Florida, the state health department barely even mentions COVID-19 on its website homepage – and only bothers to release updated reports on the virus every two weeks.

In a state where leaders care about the return of COVID-19, the major health administra­tor could be counted on to talk about the virus’ comeback in a trustworth­y manner that doesn’t unnecessar­ily alarm Floridians – but does reassure them it is being taken seriously.

In Florida?


Here in Florida, Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo can only be relied upon to attract unflatteri­ng headlines – usually because he’s out spouting conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines so alarming that the federal government sent Ladapo a letter begging him to stop spewing such ill-informed, dangerous nonsense.

And in a state where leaders care about the return of COVID-19, the governor would be a responsibl­e, level-headed figure who views the virus as a significan­t public health issue – and not as a golden opportunit­y to pander.

In Florida?

You have got to be joking.

Here in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis is using the latest COVID-19 developmen­ts to trot out his tired rants against mask mandates and vaccinatio­ns – that is, when he’s not bizarrely talking about slitting throats, rudely snubbing a president and openly losing his temper while carrying out his sorry presidenti­al campaign.

But then again, should we really hope for more from someone who owes his national prominence to channeling the primal scream of those who remain proudly ignorant and defiantly oblivious when it comes to COVID-19?

So, no, I wouldn’t suddenly expect some leadership from our leaders as COVID-19 creeps back across the state, fellow Floridians. In fact, I think we’re all better off just wishing each other good luck and following our own rules of common sense.


If you suspect you’re getting sick, just keep your “I don’t think I’m feeling well” rear end at home until you don’t feel that way anymore.

If wearing a mask makes you feel safer these days, wear one.

If you’ve put off getting vaccinated against COVID-19, just do it already.

In short, just act like you care.

Because if you’re waiting on those who should care about COVID-19 in Florida to ever do so, my advice is to get ready to grab a seat.

In your doctor’s office.

This editorial first appeared in the Sarasota Herald Tribune.

 ?? KENNY HOLSTON/NYT ?? Gov. Ron DeSantis appears at the first Republican presidenti­al debate at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee on Aug. 23.
KENNY HOLSTON/NYT Gov. Ron DeSantis appears at the first Republican presidenti­al debate at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee on Aug. 23.

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