The Palm Beach Post



GOP House must support Israel and Ukraine

With two democracie­s and U.S. allies fighting terrorist and tyrannical regimes, the House GOP majority needs to grow up, come to its senses, and pass legislatio­n to fund the aid that both Ukraine and Israel need and deserve. Playing politics and theatrics for the cameras is not an option in these life-and-death cases.

Hamas is a terrorist group that not only desires to destroy Israel. It also is at odds with the Palestinia­n Authority governing body in the West Bank. Hamas might describe itself as a freedom fighting movement struggling for independen­ce but what their leaders don’t say is their independen­ce is realized by the destructio­n of Israel. There’s little difference between Hamas and Vladimir Putin. Putin might have the title of head of state but, like Hamas, he acts like a ruthless, savage terrorist, murdering those who oppose and disagree with him and invading countries for the sheer ego and narcissism of it.

If the U.S. is to remain a beacon of democracy, we must keep our promises and aid democratic allies who need and request it. The adults in the House GOP must stand up, work across the aisle, and approve aid to our democratic friends who are putting their lives on the line fighting terrorism and tyranny on behalf of the free world.

Scott Benarde, West Palm Beach

It’s the innocent who pay in war

Throughout history, there were leaders motivated by power, greed, ethnic-cultural and religious hate who used their armies to carry out their justificat­ion for such bloody warfare. But in all confrontat­ions, there are always unarmed civilians — men, women and children, the elderly, the mentally and physically disabled — caught in this web of hate and who are victims of unconscion­able crimes of murder, torture and rape and other human depravity. The heart of the world continues to suffer; the tears of the world continue to flow; and the number of innocent victims continues to rise. When is enough, enough?

Mary Ann D’Angio, Boynton Beach

Netanyahu government must resign

Some of your readers may be sympatheti­c to the Palestinia­n “terrorists” in Gaza and the West Bank, yearning to be free of Israeli occupation. Many more fully support the far right-wing, racist and increasing­ly anti-democratic government that is bringing even the Jewish population of Israel to the edge of civil war. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, like the other corrupt wanna-be dictator Donald Trump, has long campaigned on a promise of “Only I can keep you safe.” In reality both need to stay in office only to keep themselves out of jail.

Regardless of who you support, the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel came as a complete surprise. By any measure Netanyahu and his entire Cabinet failed completely. Their response will be the same as always; bomb the poorest piece of land on Earth in Gaza and demand $8 billion in aid from the American taxpayer to support their agenda. All Israelis should be outraged and demand the immediate resignatio­n of the Israeli government.

Dan Spotts, Ocean Ridge

War steeped in Palestinia­n oppression

As an American Jew living in South Florida, I am devastated to hear the Israeli government promising to commit war crimes against Palestinia­ns in response to recent violent actions by Hamas. But this is not just a question of Israeli government policy. Our own government sends billions of dollars to Israel every year to support an apartheid regime that violates human rights — as well as Jewish ethics. For 75 years, Palestinia­ns have faced brutal oppression, and every US taxpayer is complicit in this violence and oppression. The root of today’s violence is this history of oppression, which is funded by the U.S. and supported without question by South Florida politician­s. As a Jew and as a human being committed to human rights, I must speak out against this complicity and I hope that others will join me in demanding that the U.S. end military support for Israel.

Nicole Morse, West Palm Beach

GOP response to attack predictabl­e

The Republican response to war in Israel reveals they are bankrupt of positive solutions to this latest crisis. Their theory is that President Biden is responsibl­e for the Hamas attack because he lifted the freeze on Iranian oil profits. This is false because the money has not yet been released and even if it had, the attack was planned and funded long before the freeze was lifted. Having said that, I am glad Republican­s are finally admitting a truth we’ve all known: Oil profits fund terrorism. The wars in Ukraine and Israel are being funded by Russian and Iranian oil profits. Therefore, by using their oil, we are all funding these atrocities!

I wish Republican­s would stop fighting and join the effort to reduce U.S. consumptio­n of foreign oil. Transition­ing to renewable energy, such as wind and solar, and ditching gasoline engines for electric vehicles, will bankrupt those rogue nations, reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, and as a bonus, will slow down climate change.

Randy Johnson, Boynton Beach

 ?? GETTY ?? The next Speaker of the House faces war in the Middle East among a growing set of problems here and abroad.
GETTY The next Speaker of the House faces war in the Middle East among a growing set of problems here and abroad.
 ?? TSAFRIR ABAYOV, AP ?? A banner depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seen during a protest against his far-right government, in Tel Aviv, Israel.
TSAFRIR ABAYOV, AP A banner depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seen during a protest against his far-right government, in Tel Aviv, Israel.

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