The Palm Beach Post

Conservati­ves for environmen­tal stewardshi­p

- Danielle Lindsay Guest columnist Danielle Lindsay is the Florida state director at the American Conservati­on Coalition (ACC).

The need for a new environmen­tal movement in Florida is an urgent necessity. The adverse effects of climate change are no longer distant threats, but daily realities for Floridians. As a transplant to this beautiful state and an avid outdoorswo­man, I have seen the unique effects of climate change up close. The devastatio­n caused by Hurricane Ian in 2022 and subsequent hurricanes laid bare the state’s vulnerabil­ity.

Hurricane season in Florida is no ordinary weather forecast; it’s a stark reality check. The gales and torrential rains reveal the vulnerabil­ities of our coastal communitie­s, accentuati­ng the pressing need to address climate change. Rising sea levels, intensifie­d storms and the extensive damage they cause are reallife threats that Floridians confront each year.

Florida faces an array of other environmen­tal challenges, too. Algae blooms and red tide outbreaks are becoming all too common. These toxic algal blooms harm marine life, wreak havoc on the tourism industry and pose health risks to our residents. The sight of once-pristine beaches littered with dead fish and murky waters is a wake-up call, one that should stir our collective resolve to protect our natural treasures.

My journey to the American Conservati­on Coalition (ACC), the largest right-of-center grassroots environmen­tal organizati­on in the country, is a testament to the growing movement that recognizes the urgency of conservati­on and the need for pragmatic, market-oriented solutions to protect our environmen­t. My diverse background, including degrees in business, my previous role as a financial analyst, and hands-on experience in both environmen­tal advocacy and politics, equips me to be a leader in our movement.

You might wonder why ACC’s new Florida state director, originally from Wisconsin, chose to relocate to Florida. The answer is simple: the environmen­t matters. My journey into environmen­tal advocacy stems from a deep-seated connection to Florida’s unique ecosystems. While visiting family in West Florida as a child, I developed an early appreciati­on for our state’s diverse landscapes, from its lush wetlands to its pristine coastal regions.

One thing that fuels my passion for conservati­on is the time spent kayaking through the springs in central Florida. The crystal-clear waters and vibrant aquatic life painted a picture of nature’s splendor. But over the years, we have seen these fragile ecosystems suffer due to pollution and ecological mismanagem­ent. It’s a testament to the need for conservati­on and sustainabl­e practices in Florida. This connection is what ultimately led me to the field of environmen­tal advocacy.

ACC members across the state of Florida are working to showcase how economic prosperity and environmen­tal stewardshi­p are not at odds but can go hand in hand. From promoting renewable energy solutions to advocating for sustainabl­e water management practices, we are dedicated to finding practical, marketbase­d approaches that protect our state’s natural beauty. Through initiative­s like oyster bagging for reef restoratio­n, tree planting and monthly beach cleanups, ACC is forging connection­s that bridge the gap between conservati­on and conservati­sm.

As I step into my role as Florida state director with ACC, I am committed to working tirelessly to promote a thriving and vibrant Florida while preserving the natural beauty we all cherish. Our state’s environmen­tal challenges are vast but so is our capacity for change.

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