The Palm Beach Post



Barbed wire won’t fix border

Eugene Robinson, in his Feb. 4 column, “What history says about Texas defiance” states: “If they are truly interested in securing the border, [Texas Gov. Greg] Abbott and the other Republican governors should become part of the solution.” But, what is the solution? Building a massive wall, one similar to the Great Wall of China, is not the answer. Humans will always outsmart a wall. Why not attack the problem at its source? Why treat the symptom instead of the cause? The problem is caused by the conditions in Central and parts of South America, i.e., thugs in control of the government­s. People are fleeing for their lives. Why can’t the Organizati­on of America States (OAS) simply send in forces to remove these killers? If we don’t do that, no president will ever be able to solve “the problem at the southern border.”

Richard Sutherland, Lakeland

Dictatorsh­ip is closer than you think

Let’s face reality. There is a clear path to dictatorsh­ip in the United States and it’s getting shorter every day. Donald Trump will lock up the GOP presidenti­al nomination. Anyone who thinks that four looming crime trials will slow his support is delusional. If Donald Trump regains the White House, he will be in a vengeful rage to punish his enemies. He will face the fewest constraint­s of any president in history. No one in his cabinet will stop him. The nation will begin its irreversib­le descent into a dictatorsh­ip. Like it or not, millions of Americans who see Donald Trump spiral deeper in his moral void still conclude, yes, that’s our guy.

Robert Carpenter, Tequesta

Comics change a pleasant surprise

I was a little apprehensi­ve about the comic changes when you mentioned it but for the most part I am pleasantly surprised. A lot more content but the one disappoint­ment that I have is the missing “Red and Rover.” This is such a sweet comic, showing the love between a boy and his dog; not always completely realistic but very heartfelt. In today’s social and political climate,I think we could use more of this.

Denise Weigand, Lake Worth Beach

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