The Palm Beach Post

Let voters set term limits for commission­ers

- Your Turn Bill Truex Guest columnist

If there’s one thing most Americans agree on, it’s that grandstand­ing and gridlock have crippled Washington. Too often, those we send to our nation’s capital forget where they come from and why they were elected.

In Washington, the biggest problem is that politician­s don’t listen to voters. Yet, in Tallahasse­e, politician­s are in danger of making the very same mistake. This year, state lawmakers proposed a bill to strip local voters of the power to decide term limits for their county commission­ers. Instead, lawmakers want to install a top-down “one-size-fits all” solution.

It’s a bad idea. Simply put, it’s wrong to strip voters of their rightful power — and it’s wrong to treat every community like it’s the same community.

Miami-Dade County is over 17,000% larger than Union County. Their needs are different—and frankly, all of Florida’s 67 counties are different. While some thrive on agricultur­e, others are hubs of tourism.

While some are coastal, others are inland. While some rank among the wealthiest places in America, others are economical­ly at-risk. The issues they deal with are different, too.

So are the solutions. On education, infrastruc­ture, healthcare and, yes, even term limits, voters in different communitie­s may want different solutions— which is precisely why some Florida counties have term limits and some do not.

That’s the way it should be. That’s how our Founders envisioned it. And right now, that’s the way it works.

Ironically, if Tallahasse­e politician­s impose the same top-down approach on every county in Florida, it will be the mirror image of the “Washington­knows-best” attitude that has left so many of us disillusio­ned with national politics.

Americans’ frustratio­n with Washington is both valid and justified — I share it. The lack of term limits in Congress contribute­s to a cycle of inertia, sclerosis, and entrenchme­nt.

However, transplant­ing this frustratio­n onto our local communitie­s is like performing surgery on the wrong patient.

It undermines voter control and risks severing the deep connection­s local leaders have with their communitie­s—connection­s that are vital for responsive and effective governance.

Bill Truex is president of the Florida Associatio­n of Counties and a Charlotte County commission­er.

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