The Palm Beach Post



Biden jumped on the wrong ‘chips’

Joe Biden’s top priority was to show the American public that he has the energy to compete against Trump for the presidency.

Based on the reviews, his party clearly felt he met that objective. The other party felt the presentati­on was hyper-partisan, filled with disingenuo­us and untruthful facts and figures.

One particular point that was extremely troublesom­e was his criticism of the reduced fill in the potato chip bag because it clearly shows that he has no idea how business functions, nor what impact his actions have on business.

I wish someone would ask him how a business is suppose to compensate for the inflation and wage increases, both of which Biden is responsibl­e for increasing.

George Bieberbach, North Palm Beach

President Biden a bit prophetic

Joe Biden characteri­zes an Old Testament prophet who has been sent to guide his people on the right path.

As in the biblical renderings, unfortunat­ely not all persons comprehend the prediction­s of events to come. Our democratic way of life is on the 2024 ballot at every level.

Linda Johnson, Tequesta

High court acting above the law

While our checks and balances theory of government builds the responsibi­lity of establishi­ng laws at the legislativ­e level, recent action by the Supreme Court exposes the reality that the court’s decisions make the laws.

I am therefore disappoint­ment by recent decisions that would suggest the court acts as if it is above the law.

The behavior of several justices allows us to ask why ethics is not an expectatio­n or mandate, unless the justices are “above the law.” Political content seems to play a major role and belies the adage that “justice is blind.” Our courts are critical to our trust in the fairness of our judicial process.

If the top of the pyramid is no longer objective and we lose our confidence in its ability to resolve critical questions in a non-political manner, our democracy is in danger. If they are “above the law,” then there are no checks and balances.

Harold Gittler, Lake Worth

Hunter Biden probe gone sideways

U.S. Rep. James Comer trumpeted the Hunter Biden deposition­s were a “huge success” for the impeachmen­t inquiry against Joe Biden.

He said that the transcript shows that Hunter Biden wasn’t truthful and that he admitted that Joe Biden did in fact get $40,000 that came from China.

He must have read a different transcript than the one just published. I think Comer is the one who needs a cognitive impairment test as he has confused Donald Trump with Joe Biden.

Either that or he is just another lying Republican like his master who he bows down to and obeys.

Lawrence Brager, Delray Beach

 ?? FILE ?? In his State of the Union speech, President Biden missed the real reason a bag of chips is partially empty.
FILE In his State of the Union speech, President Biden missed the real reason a bag of chips is partially empty.

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