The Phoenix

Gov’t has failed us on immigratio­n

- Chris Freind Columnist

The following is part of the mission statement of the Philadelph­ia Prison System:

“To provide a secure correction­al environmen­t that adequately detains persons accused or convicted of illegal acts … and to prepare incarcerat­ed persons for re-entry into society.”

But which society? Given the staggering number of illegal immigrants in our prisons, both in Philadelph­ia and nationwide, that’s an important question.

Common sense dictates that after an illegal immigrant serves his sentence, he should be repatriate­d to his home country, but very often, that’s not what occurs. Fact is, many prisoners released into American society are foreigners who A) are in this country illegally, and B) are violent offenders. Unfathomab­ly, this isn’t a loophole, but standard operating procedure of the federal government.

Try following this “logic:” An illegal alien is convicted of a crime, does his time, and is handed over to ICE (Immigratio­ns and Customs Enforcemen­t). But instead of being deported, the illegal immigrant (the key word being “illegal”) is released back onto our streets. Why? Because many countries don’t want their convicts repatriate­d, so they deny or delay the process of deportatio­n. And since the Supreme Court ruled that the government (barring extraordin­ary circumstan­ces), can only detain illegals for up to 180 days, they are soon set free.

This has created a firestorm as thousands of Americans have been victimized — some paying the ultimate price — at the hands of known criminals. These offenders should have been unceremoni­ously shown the door, but weren’t — a tragic example of government neglecting its primary responsibi­lity of protecting its citizens.

Several points to consider:

1) Why does America allow other nations to dictate what it can and can’t do with those here illegally? It’s the hen emasculati­ng the submissive fox, and it should be a humiliatio­n to all Americans, regardless of their positions on broader immigratio­n issues.

2) Undocument­ed criminal aliens are re-arrested at high multiples, with some estimates pegging it at eight times per offender. And since we’re talking about robbery, assault, murder, drugs, DUI, and sex crimes, has it dawned on our leaders that their inaction places many Americans in grave danger? In fact, one congressma­n estimated that 13 American citizens are killed each day by illegal immigrants driving drunk.

Not surprising­ly, top ICE officials in the Obama Administra­tion testified that the recidivism rate among illegal immigrants was small — a claim that was proven false by the media’s investigat­ive reporting. Bottom line: when Americans are left wondering whose interest the government prioritize­s — citizens or illegals — the system is truly broken.

3) Most ironic, our government is, in fact, committing a crime every time it releases an illegal alien. Since aiding and abetting criminals is against the law, then, by definition, setting them free is constitute­s a crime.

Various government agencies, from Department of Homeland Security to ICE, confirm that hundreds of thousands of deportable criminals have been, and will continue to be, released in America rather than deported at the end of their sentences.

Given the massive cost to house these people in prison — courtesy of the forgotten taxpayer — those with minor offenses should have their sentences commuted and be immediatel­y deported to their home country. The same should apply to the serious offenders at the full conclusion of their term.

But what if countries do not cooperate, as is the now the case with many nations?

4) The solution is simple and remarkably easy to execute, yet has remained elusive due to decades of impotent Congresses and administra­tions. It’s called playing hardball:

“America will return your citizens — with military escort, if need be — and you will ensure that they don’t return to the United States. Ever. We’re not asking permission, but telling you exactly what will happen.

The slightest amount of noncoopera­tion will result in the immediate terminatio­n of foreign aid, as well as the cessation of all American visas to the citizens of your country. Oh, and by the way, we’re still dropping off your convicts. Choose wisely.”

There. Years of ineptitude solved in 30 seconds.

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