The Phoenix

New Pennsylvan­ia legislativ­e session offers clean slate


The historic 2016 election is behind us, and a new year awaits us. That includes a new two-year state legislativ­e session beginning in January. Just as you may look at a new year as a chance to make positive changes through resolution­s, I am looking at the new session as a clean slate for the legislatur­e to effect real change for Pennsylvan­ians.

The opportunit­ies that await us are numerous. I remain focused on important reforms like reining in spending, addressing the pension crisis, and ultimately, eliminatin­g property taxes. However, there are additional ways to reform Pennsylvan­ia and set us on a more successful path.

One area of opportunit­y and a continued priority for me is workforce developmen­t. While we often hear about job cre- ation efforts, we cannot forget that plenty of jobs are going unfilled because employers cannot find workers with the necessary skills. As a business owner, I am very aware of the evergrowin­g skills gap in the labor force being created by retiring baby boomers, the push for students to pursue four-year colleges rather than trade schools, and advancing technology.

A strong workforce results in a strong economy, which results in Pennsylvan­ia heading down a more successful path. Since coming to Harrisburg in April 2014, I have advocated for making students aware of careers that are in high demand, pay well, and can be obtained with a two-year degree from a trade school or community college. Not every high school graduate is meant to go to a four-year col- lege, and we need to change the mindset that one has to go to such a school to be successful.

We also have to acknowledg­e another group of individual­s that could fill the skills gap being faced by Pennsylvan­ia’s employers — those with a criminal record. Too many people have made a mistake in their past, and they are still paying for it by not being able to obtain employment or advance in their career due to their criminal background.

Just as we all seek a clean slate in a new year, I aim to give individual­s who committed certain non-violent offenses and have been crime-free for a period of time the chance to start fresh — to get a job or an apartment — without being judged for a crime they committed years ago.

Act 5 of 2016 went into effect Nov. 14. This provides individual­s with certain offenses the opportunit­y to petition the court for an order of limited access. Meaning, the crimes would not be erased from the record, but they would be removed from public view, and therefore, would not appear in employer and landlord background checks. In turn, the person would not have to disclose them on an applicatio­n. My legislatio­n is similar but calls for the process to be automatic, saving people from having to petition the court.

Another opportunit­y for us is to address school mandates. Every year we hear cries for more education funding, but instead of increasing the amount of money, let’s look at ways to spend the money more effi- ciently. We all know that pensions are a major cost driver, as are salaries and benefits. But over the years the state has handed down plenty of unfunded mandates on our schools — prevailing wages on constructi­on projects being a major one.

Eliminatin­g unnecessar­y costs is key to directing more dollars into the classrooms for our students in order to prepare them for successful careers — careers that not only call for technical skills but soft skills. These are basics like showing up to work on time and looking presentabl­e, making eye contact and shaking hands when meeting someone, and simply working hard.

State Sen. Scott Wagner is a Republican who represents portions of York County.

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