The Phoenix

Confession­s of a RINO

- Email Jerry Shenk at

I am a proud RINO — a “Republican in Name Only.”

More specifical­ly, I’m a committed fiscal conservati­ve, but a lousy party guy. Let me explain. State and local government­s touch the lives of most people more frequently and fundamenta­lly than does the federal government.

If one wants a say in local government, registerin­g Independen­t is foolish, because Indies cannot vote in nominating primaries.

Indeed, in areas where Democrats or Republican­s significan­tly outnumber the opposition, where the other party will win anyway, it makes sense for Democrats to register Republican – or vice versa – in order to get the other side’s least-objectiona­ble candidate on the November ballot.

In the past, I have worked, pro bono, for GOP candidates, people I know, like, trust and in whom I believe.

But, in more than a halfcentur­y of casting ballots, I’ve never voted a straight party ticket.

To be honest, though, I haven’t even considered voting for a Democrat since 1998 when the party rose en masse to defend a felonious chief executive whose allegedly-evenmore-felonious wife has since lost the same office to a reality TV host.

That latter was a marvelous example of poetic retributio­n — ironic payback for the failure of our political class to do its job twenty years ago.

It’s true that, nationally, the Republican Party aligns far more closely with my policy preference­s than Democrats do.

But overall, elected GOP officials have a spotty record of honoring their party’s platform and delivering on their campaign promises.

I categorica­lly reject political “centrism,” a deception big-government “moderate” Republican­s pretentiou­sly insist is necessary to “get things done for the American people.”

Centrism is an empty “virtue,” one taxpayers can no longer afford.

If one party supports and the other opposes — or, at least, says it opposes — additional spending and programs, “centrist” compromise always favors increases in both.

Washington wins, taxpayers lose.

“Moderates,” “centrists” and their politics of “what’s possible” have produced an unimaginab­le national debt.

At $20 trillion plus, the debt already exceeds the nation’s annual Gross Domestic Product.

The debt is fundamenta­lly immoral, because repaying it will burden generation­s of Americans, most as yet unborn.

America needs problem-solvers, certainly, but, more than anything, the nation needs principled obstinacy from polite, but determined and responsibl­e elected adults, not more expensive “centrism” from the irresponsi­ble, self-interested elements of its embedded political class.

If the nation is to prosper, spending control and debt reduction are existentia­l struggles that fiscal conservati­ves must win.

Our Republican-controlled Congress has been postponing budget “deadlines” similar to one that resulted in a 2013 government shutdown.

Then, “centrist” Republican­s’ desire to cave taught conservati­ves some useful lessons: First, it takes guts. So in order to stand on principle, a Republican officehold­er must have some — of both.

Second, the easiest way for a Republican to attract favorable attention from the national media is to break with his party.

Finally, the GOP’s biggest problems are big-government, establishm­ent Republican­s.

Call me cynical, but years of observatio­n teaches one that, in politics, cynicism is almost always rewarded.

Jerry Shenk

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Jerry Shenk Columnist

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