The Phoenix

Problem with school funding

- Will Wood is a small business owner, veteran, and half-decent runner. He lives, works, and writes in West Chester.

I saw this on a bumper sticker many years ago: “It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.” As a parent of public school students and as a Navy veteran, I doubly agree.

The Commonweal­th Court is currently hearing a case about how we fund our schools in Pennsylvan­ia. This is not at all surprising when you consider the disparitie­s between what the state’s 500 districts spend per student. The district that spends the most per student in Pennsylvan­ia is spending nearly two-and-a-half times as much as the district that spends the least per student. If you guessed the former is an affluent suburb and the latter an urban district, you were only half right. The least well-funded district is rural, as are many underfunde­d districts. This is an issue that adversely impacts both rural and urban districts.

In Pennsylvan­ia we have a hybrid system of paying for public schools with both state and local school district tax dollars being used.

Affluent areas tend to have higher property values which can generate more property taxes and allow those districts to spend more on education than less affluent areas. This tends to snowball. A school district with a larger per-student budget can afford to spend more to provide better academic and extra-curricular environmen­ts (by hiring top-notch educators, building labs and stadiums, buying laptops and musical instrument­s, etc.). Doing these things, in turn, enhances the educationa­l outcomes and the reputation of the district rises.

I work in real estate, and I am pretty sure that everyone knows that the three Ls of real estate — “location, location, location” — are actually just code for “school district, school district, school district.” So, the better a district is, the more competitiv­e its housing market will be. Increased competitio­n accelerate­s the appreciati­on of property values in good districts, meaning higher tax revenues, which further widens the gap between districts.

In order to help prevent this gap from continuing to widen, the state is supposed to allocate its education budget in a way that helps even out the spending disparitie­s. In some districts state funding is over 70% of the district’s budget and in others it is below 20%.

However, with the difference in actual spending per student being 150% from the bottom to the top, it is safe to say this system is not working.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the case before the Commonweal­th Court is the plaintiffs. School districts from heavily Republican and heavily Democratic areas are among them. They have come together across the political divide because the problem of treating students unequally is one that impacts children of voters on both sides and one that pretty nearly everyone agrees needs to be fixed, except for the small group of people in Harrisburg who might be able to fix it.

John Krill is the attorney for Pennsylvan­ia’s Senate Majority

Leader in the case. During a rhetorical moment last month, Krill pulled back the curtain briefly. While questionin­g the superinten­dent for the rural Otto-Eldred School District (McKean County), Krill asked, “What use would a carpenter have for biology? …What use would someone in the McDonald’s career track have for Algebra 1?”

Let’s leave aside how dismissive Mr. Krill seems to be of the intellectu­al curiosity of Pennsylvan­ians who work in carpentry or at McDonalds and what ambitions they may have. By using the argument that some people are on the “McDonalds track” and therefore not deserving of the same educationa­l opportunit­ies as other Pennsylvan­ians, Krill used his time before the Commonweal­th Court to suggest that some Pennsylvan­ians should abandon their portion of the American Dream simply because of where they are being raised.

Krill knows that in our polarized world there are so many safe seats (on both sides of the aisle) that the elected members of the Senate risk very little by doing nothing to address this problem.

I am not a legal expert so I cannot say whether the current funding system in Pennsylvan­ia fails the state’s constituti­onal requiremen­ts, but I can safely say that it does fail our students. Until we make it clear to our legislator­s that fixing the problem is a priority for voters from both parties, they will continue to leave the problem unfixed.

 ?? ?? Wood

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