The Phoenix

Congressio­nal map evokes mixed reaction

After all the debate surroundin­g the latest process for redrawing Pennsylvan­ia’s congressio­nal district, the apparent end result is a map quite similar to what’s in place now.


The Pennsylvan­ia Supreme Court backed a plan submitted by Democrats that promised to keep change to a minimum, even though the state is losing a seat. There will be 17 in the Pennsylvan­ia congressio­nal delegation instead of 18 starting in 2023.

Assuming this ruling holds up in the face of legal challenges, most voters in the Philadelph­ia suburbs won’t see major changes. The 1st Disrict, now represente­d by Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatric­k, still covers Bucks County and a portion of Montgomery County. The 4th District, now represente­d by Democratic Rep. Madeleine Deane takes up most of Montgomery County. The 5th District, now represente­d by Democratic Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon, covers Delaware County. And the 6th District, now represente­d by Democratic Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, remains heavily concentrat­ed in Chester County.

Berks County is seeing more significan­t changes. While Houlahan continues to represent Reading and some other parts of Berks, Dean’s district is to contain more territory in the county than it does now.

And Berks is impacted by the biggest change of all on the congressio­nal map. The northern Pennsylvan­ia district represente­d by Snyder County Republican Rep. Fred Keller has been eliminated, and he is planning to battle fellow Rep. Dan Meuser for the Republican nomination in the 9th District.

A portion of the 9th District is to remain in Berks, though it’s a considerab­ly smaller part of the county than what’s on the current map.

As usual, we are disappoint­ed to see Berks County divided into three districts, with Reading and some of its suburbs represente­d by different people. This dilutes the region’s influence. And the new 9th District is a monstrosit­y, extending from Berks all the way to the New York state line. It’s hard to imagine getting good representa­tion in such a scenario.

We have mixed feelings about the map as a whole. The good news is that it offers a strong possibilit­y of a congressio­nal delegation that reflects the close political division in our state along with some competitiv­e races. The new map provides eight Republican-leaning districts, six Democratic­leaning districts and three closely divided districts, according to an analysis by the FiveThirty­Eight website.

Republican­s are objecting to the map, but it’s hard to take that seriously considerin­g that the last time they had full control of the redistrict­ing process, they created maps that gave them a 13-5 advantage in congressio­nal seats. The court ruled that those maps were unconstitu­tional and developed new ones that resulted in a far more appropriat­e 9-9 split.

We do regret that once again the court had to intervene in a process that should have been completed without their involvemen­t. The justices stepped in because Democrats and Republican­s could not reach an agreement on a map.

It’s yet another reminder that we need a better system of determinin­g who represents us.

For years advocates for fair redistrict­ing have been trying to get lawmakers to adopt a system that puts the decision in the hands of an independen­t citizens’ commission.

The public, not the politician­s or the courts, should be the ones who decide how congressio­nal seats are distribute­d in Pennsylvan­ia.

We need a better way of doing this, and we urge lawmakers to finally address this problem before another 10 years pass and we wind up in the same position again.

In the meantime, we’re eager to see this year’s redistrict­ing process put behind us so voters and candidates finally can focus on the primary election, which will be here in less than three short months. Be sure to study up, make sure you know in which district you reside and learn about the candidates who will be on your ballot. The people may not have a say in determinin­g the district in which they vote, but they still have the last word on who gets to represent them.

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