The Phoenix

Area family-owned businesses thrive for multiple generation­s

Building on tradition and establishi­ng trust allows local businesses to flourish for generation­s, owners say

- By Keith Dmochowski kdmochowsk­i@readingeag­le. com

As a mother of two and a business owner, Kristi Gage-Linderman, chief operations officer with staffing solutions firm Gage Personnel, West Reading, Berks County, is a master of the balancing act, just like her mother.

“It wasn’t easy for my mom especially, raising two babies while jumping into the family business,” GageLinder­man said, “It’s hard to balance everything, but we’ve brought that mindset into our culture: wanting our employees to know that family comes first.”

Gage-Linderman said that staying true to her company’s foundation and core values, while also evolving to expand training and certificat­ion offerings to staff, is how Gage has maintained its success over generation­s.

“My grandmothe­r started the business, my mother grew the business; I’m here using the same foundation,” Gage-Linderman said, “We feel that we treat our employees like family, we care about our community. Just having that extra care and concern has allowed us to keep that personal touch.”

Keeping a business alive long-term amid an evershifti­ng commercial landscape is a challenge — so much so that the majority of family-owned businesses dissolve before they’re inherited.

Only 40% of first-generation family businesses make the transition to the next generation, according to informatio­n from Family Enterprise USA, a Washington, D.C.-based research and advocacy firm.

And the chances of even longer-term survival are even more dire — 13% of family businesses are passed to a third generation, and by the fourth generation, survival rates dip to 4%.

But those grim statistics mean little to the familyowne­d businesses in Berks County and surroundin­g areas that have beaten the odds to thrive over multiple generation­s.

Focus on tradition

For Aaron Weitzenkor­n, CEO of Weitzenkor­n’s in Phoenixvil­le, Chester County — a clothing store founded in 1864 — staying alive means sticking to the store’s customer-focused tradition.

“We have this motto on the back of a receipt that we used when my grandfathe­r ran the store, back in the ‘50s,” Weitzenkor­n said, “It says, ‘We know of one way to do business — to give every customer a square deal.’”

Weitzenkor­n said his store’s advantage is the personal touch it offers regulars.

“If you go to a department store, chances are, the salesperso­n isn’t going to know you,” Weitzenkor­n said, “Whereas if you come in here, I’m probably going to know your first name, what kind of fit you like.”

Maintainin­g a peoplefirs­t approach is critical for longstandi­ng local businesses that owe much of their success to the trust of the community, Gage-Linderman said.

“I met a woman that said she remembers my mom, back in the 1980s, when (the woman) had a medical episode in one of our offices,” Gage-Linderman said. “The fact that my mom cared enough to follow up with her just stuck with her after all those years. And that’s kind of the value that we want to bring.”

Building a legacy of trust is also essential for customers, who can rest assured that the product is good quality, according to Justin Spannuth, chief operating officer and sixth-generation member of the family that owns and operates Unique Snacks, Reading.

“Being a 100-year-old company, it speaks well to our brand,” Spannuth said, “There are a lot of pop up brands, they have an idea and some marketing dollars, they throw it on the shelf … every time a buyer has to put that on the shelf, they’re taking a risk. With our legacy, the buyer knows there is virtually no risk putting us on the shelf.”

Some flexibilit­y is important for family businesses as well, especially when circumstan­ces change, according to Gage-Linderman.

“With the 2008 recession and the pandemic, it’s forced us to change the way we do things, but in a good way,” Gage-Linderman said. “It’s allowed us to pivot from historical­ly being known as a temp agency to training our staff in different areas of expertise.”

She said that other than the mandatory lockdown, Gage remained open for much of the pandemic out of commitment to serving the community.

“We’ve got folks walking in our office every day that need assistance with our career search,” GageLinder­mann said. “Our biggest push right now is letting people know that we’re here for real career connection­s.”

 ?? ?? Since 1908, the Tague family has served profession­al builders, remodelers, architects, and industrial customers throughout the Greater Philadelph­ia area.
Since 1908, the Tague family has served profession­al builders, remodelers, architects, and industrial customers throughout the Greater Philadelph­ia area.
 ?? COURTESY OF KRISTI GAGE-LINDERMAN ?? From left, Kristi Gage-Linderman, chief operating officer of Gage Personnel in West Reading, Berks County, with her parents, Bill and Gwen Gage.
COURTESY OF KRISTI GAGE-LINDERMAN From left, Kristi Gage-Linderman, chief operating officer of Gage Personnel in West Reading, Berks County, with her parents, Bill and Gwen Gage.
 ?? COURTESY OF AARON WEITZENKOR­N ?? The interior of Weizenkorn’s clothing store in Phoenixvil­le, Chester County.
COURTESY OF AARON WEITZENKOR­N The interior of Weizenkorn’s clothing store in Phoenixvil­le, Chester County.

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