The Phoenix

Three fun event ideas that can benefit local businesses


The shop local movement is a worthy endeavor.

A thriving Main Street can foster a sense of community, encourage entreprene­urs young and old to pursue their dreams and expose residents to a host of new ideas and products.

But the benefits of a strong local business sector don’t end there. In fact, communitie­s have much to gain economical­ly from promoting Main Street.

Though the numbers vary from year to year, a recent report from the U.S. Small Business Administra­tion indicated that, for every $100 a consumer spends at a small business, $48 remains in the community where that business is located.

By contrast, just $14 out of every $100 remains in the community when that money is spent at a big-box store or national retailer.

With so much to gain from a thriving local business scene, community leaders and residents can plan and embrace events that showcase the many small businesses that make their towns and cities unique.

There are many ways to promote local businesses, and the following are three creative event ideas to get locals and non-locals alike excited about the businesses that offer so much to your community.

Shop local at night

Many communitie­s participat­e in restaurant weeks that draw scores of visitors to the cafes and eateries in their town. A similar approach can

be employed to bring people to Main Street for something other than food.

A shop local at night event can feature special discounts during a time of year when

business might otherwise be slow.

Community organizers can close Main Street to vehicle traffic throughout the week to encourage people to walk around and visit all the small businesses in their communitie­s.

Holiday festivals

Holiday bazaars may be most often associated with the holiday season that runs from Thanksgivi­ng weekend to New Year’s Day.

But there’s no reason why communitie­s cannot plan and promote similar festivals during other popular holidays, such as Memorial Day, Independen­ce Day and Labor Day.

A Valentine;s Day festival the week before the holiday can encourage locals to get out and shop for that special someone, while a Halloween festival can encourage people to spend time outdoors patronizin­g local businesses during a time of year when the weather is welcoming for all.

Workshop week

Workshop weeks can be great ways for local businesses to inspire interest in their offerings while showcasing the many talented individual­s who help them thrive.

Each night can feature a different workshop hosted by local businesses. For example, a Monday night restaurant workshop can feature chefs from local restaurant­s teaching locals how to prepare a certain dish.

Another night during the week can feature local artisans offering lessons on the basics of their skills, such as woodworkin­g, framing or gardening.

Such an event is a great way for local businesses to put a face on their companies and meet locals who appreciate their talents.

 ?? METRO CREATIVE ?? There’s no shortage of ways to promote local businesses. Special events in which local businesses are the star is a great way to inspire locals to support the companies that help make their communitie­s unique.
METRO CREATIVE There’s no shortage of ways to promote local businesses. Special events in which local businesses are the star is a great way to inspire locals to support the companies that help make their communitie­s unique.

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