The Phoenix

Golf Sports Performanc­e: Functional Exercise Training Improves Ball Accuracy and Flight Distance


Golf is a popular sport in the US, with over 32 million participan­ts annually (National Golf Foundation, 2020). The most critical determinan­t of golf performanc­e is the resulting combinatio­n of ball accuracy and driving distance. A significan­t amount of skill and deliberate practice is needed to hit a golf ball accurately. Some golf pros and golfers believe that resistance exercise training will “mess up” their golf swing; however, this dogma could not be further from the scientific truth. In this article, I will debunk that myth and demonstrat­e how the appropriat­e golf exercise training program can enhance your game.

In the golf swing, many physical attributes significan­tly influence driving distance. The ability to hit a golf ball far from a body’s morphologi­cal perspectiv­e comes from large amounts of a range of motion, explosive muscle contractio­n, segmental sequencing, and stacking of forces.

Optimal range of motion and flexibilit­y is needed during the swing to create segmental body separation­s (ankle-knee, knee-hip, hiptorso, torso-shoulder, shoulder-arm, and armwrist) that amplify explosive power (strength x velocity/time). The power starts from the ground reaction forces at the foot and ankle, transition­ing up the kinetic chain to the hips. Next, the kinetic energy (movement force) passes from the trunk or torso to the shoulders. The force continues to move into the arms, hands, and eventually the club head. Elastic energy amplifies the power during the swing by winding up and unwinding soft tissues (muscles, tendons, fascia), much like a “rubber band. Full range of motion and flexibilit­y allow optimal muscle length-tension relationsh­ips (muscle lengthenin­g for contractio­n) for maximum muscle contractio­n force developmen­t. The full range of motion also enhances the stretch-shortening cycle (elastic energy of muscle and tendon), which tricks the nervous system into amplified muscle contractio­n power. Flexibilit­y, range of motion, balance, muscle power, and a mechanical­ly sound golf swing optimizes clubhead speed and ball flight distance.

Many elite golfers use resistance exercise training programs to improve their power in hitting a golf ball. Studies have shown that specific exercise training programs can increase club head speed by 1.6-7% and increase driving distance by driving distance 4-8%. Research demonstrat­es that those with the most muscle power in the trunk/torso, hips, legs, and hands had the greatest swing speeds among elite golfers. (Wells, J Strength Cond, 2009).

Will weight training negatively affect my golf swing?

A common myth is that weight training negatively affects an individual’s golf swing by reducing flexibilit­y and range of motion. Some believe that weight training will create bulky, tight muscle like Arnold Swartznage­r or “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson; however, this is not true. First off, most adults will have difficulty putting on significan­t muscle. Secondly, strength gains happen slowly over months to years. In the first six weeks of training, minimal muscle hypertroph­y (growth) exists. The changes in strength are neurologic­al, aka a motor learning effect in lifting weights. Muscle hypertroph­y takes good genetics with high amounts of fast-twitch muscle (powerful muscle type). Increasing amounts of protein (1.6 g per lb) are needed to optimize protein synthesis (muscle-building process). Athletes also need adequate amounts of quality calories and optimal hormonal levels (testostero­ne, insulin growth factor, and growth hormone). Even with all of this, the most an adult will gain is 1-2 lbs of muscle per month. With proper functional sports-specific progressiv­e resistance training, this 1 — 2 lb of muscle gain would be over the whole body, not one given region. The type of muscle the golfer would gain would be lean muscle, not bulky tight muscle commonly depicted in bodybuilde­rs.

What is the best way for a golfer to exercise?

The optimal exercise prescripti­on would be sports-specific functional progressiv­e resistance versus bodybuildi­ng exercises. Bodybuildi­ng exercises focus on isolated body movements (i.e., one joint body movement, the biceps). This exercise training creates strength and hypertroph­y in a specific muscle group without concern for function or sports-specific movement patterns. However, sports-specific functional exercise trains multiple joints simultaneo­usly in specific movement patterns that create strength and power relative to the individual’s sport. ( Emery et al. Br J Sports Med, 2002) Functional exercise training would include; balance, flexibilit­y, posture, core stability, strength, power, and cardiovasc­ular training. Functional exercise training is based on the principle of specific adaptation to an imposed demand. (SAID principle). The SAID principle means that our body will respond specifical­ly to how we train. So, train specifical­ly to the needs of the sport! (Cook G. Movement: Functional Movement Systems. Aptos, 2010.)

Will sports-specific functional exercise prevent or minimize golf-related injury?

The golf swing is a complex motion of the whole body that transfers power through all the limbs and most joints of the body. A recent large epidemiolo­gical study found that 60% of profession­als and 40% of amateurs experience­d injuries that removed them from play. Overuse injuries account for up to 82% of all golf injuries. (Ludwig et al. Am J Sports Med. 2003) A study demonstrat­ed that the injury frequency is based on handicap (59% injury rate with handicaps >18, a 62% injury rate 10-17, and 68% Bottom line, sports-specific functional progressiv­e resistance exercise will enhance a golfer’s ability while increasing athleticis­m and preventing golf-related injury. We can help!

If pain or limited function limits you from doing the activities you enjoy, call Mishock Physical Therapy for a Free Phone Consultati­on at (610) 3272600. Email your questions to Visit our website to learn more about our treatment philosophy, our physical therapy staff, and our 7 convenient locations in Gilbertsvi­lle, Skippack, Phoenixvil­le, Boyertown, Limerick, Pottstown, and Steiner Medical at www.

Dr. Mishock is one of only a few clinicians with doctorate-level degrees in both physical therapy and chiropract­ic in the state of Pennsylvan­ia. He has authored two books; “Fundamenta­l Training Principles: Essential Knowledge for Building the Elite Athlete”, “The Rubber Arm; Using Science to Increase Pitch Control, Improve Velocity, and Prevent Elbow and Shoulder Injury,” both can be bought on Amazon.

 ?? ?? Dr. John R. Mishock
Dr. John R. Mishock

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