The Pilot News

Church Briefs


Pentecost Sunday at First UMC on Facebook Tune in at 10:30

PLYMOUTH — The First United Methodist Church is reaching out to you every Sunday by Facebook and You Tube until this virus situation is over sometime, prayerfull­y, soon. We are still working to help people stay connected, safe and faithful. May God Bless You! To can find us on line (at 10:30 am) enter: First United Methodist Church of Plymouth, Indiana then click on Facebook - and you will find our channel. You can view from there.

SUNDAY’S SERVICE ON LINE Pianist Kay Finlay will play “Fanfare for Pentecost” and later in the service she will play “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” for the Anthem.

PASTOR TONI’S MESSAGE: “The Heart of the Matter,” The scripture texts are John 7:37-39 and Acts 2:1-21. Throughout this season, we have proclaimed that love is that which binds us to God, to Jesus, to each other. Love IS our religion. On the day of Pentecost, the church received the power of the Holy Spirit to let this message flow out to all. The power of this message is ever-so important to spread in the world today. Let us be a community of messengers letting living compassion flow from our hearts.

PRAISING GOD IN DANCE: The Jam song today is titled “You are Good”. Dance and sing.

PRAISING GOD: We know Jesus is present among us - - even in this very home - - We will not let fear be louder than love - - but with glad hearts and rejoicing souls - - we will sing God’s praise - for we are Easter People - - !

AS WE CLOSE THIS TIME TOGETHER, remember: God is always with you. No matter what you face, no matter what trials or hardships come your way, God is right beside you, raising your very life from death, guiding and directing your path. So, acknowledg­e your fear and your worry and know it is as true and holy as any feeling, including joy and hope and love. Take heart, my friends! This is the heart of the matter. Let the people say, Amen!

Based on Psalm: 16

“The Well” on Youtube

PLYMOUTH — Join us this Sunday where you can find us on You Tube and Facebook. Type in: “First United Methodist Church of Plymouth, Indiana” and you will find our channel. Then click on “The Well” to hear Cindy’s message and worship music by pianist Thomas Boys.

We will be discussing the Fruit of the Spirit inspired by scripture Galatians 5.

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