The Pilot News

Eternal life: The way of God’s world

- BY DENNIS WENZEL Dennis Wenzel is a retired pastor of the ELCA, living in the Donaldson area.

Reflection­s on Romans 12:1-21

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of the world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

Romans 12:2

I once met a man who shared with me, “When I die, God will have to send three angels to take me to heaven.” I thought that was an odd thing to say, so I asked why three? The response was, “Because I love this world so much that three angels would be enough to take my soul kicking and screaming from this world.” I let a few moments go by as the fellow looked at me to respond, then I spoke saying; “You are afraid to die.” He shot back, “No you didn’t hear me, I just love this world so much.” My parting comment, “Oh I heard you. You are afraid to die because you don’t trust God.”

The Apostle Paul is a very cunning teacher. He shows the listener all the wonders and trappings of the world. What the world offers is fame, fortune, community, and wealth of the self. What is offered is tempting and attractive, but it leads to being entrapped by the greed of the world. Making people feel they are more important than they really are, creating a smugness we have achieved what life has intended for us. At the end of a life like this are questions unanswered, making people wondering if their life was worth all the pain and effort.

However, Paul, tells people to conform their minds to the ways of God and not of the world. What this life leads, is to see all people as God’s children. Knowing that the graces of God are unlimited and are available to all people, even the ones who do not believe in God. Realizing the needs of others and striving to share the resources we have that originate with God. When this occurs, our minds are truly in-line with God’s desires.

I work parttime in a store when a person mentions they are a veteran or a first responder, they automatica­lly receive a 10% discount on their purchase. Once a first responder asked if I wanted to see their id proving what they said was true. My response, “No, if you have to lie to get a discount; then you have a bigger problem. You simply stated who you are, not what you wanted.” When we state that we are God’s children, then our minds are turned heavenward instead of being bound to this world. Then we understand that by our own merits life is meaningles­s, but by God’s grace we are conformed to his way of life; which leads to eternal life.

Dear Lord, thank you for rescuing me from the trappings of this world. Lead me by the hand, to see people around me the way you see them. I look forward to no longer longing to know you, but to be with you for eternity. Amen..

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