The Pilot News

From the Heartland



Since I got my first mobile phone last November my weekly usage has gradually increased. However, unsolicite­d calls and messages still represent a significan­t part of the time. I am getting into texting. I find it easier to get a response if I send a text rather than calling and leaving a voice mail. Also, I am using emojis on a more regular basis.

Until recently I very seldom took my mobile phone with me in the car. My automobile insurance provider has forced me to make sure I take my mobile phone with me when I drive. For some time I have had a plug-in device in each of my cars which recorded trips and were the basis of possible discounts. As of 3/15/2021 the company started using a mobile app to collect the same informatio­n. They sent an email with instructio­ns on how to activate the new app.

The whole process sounded simple. Not so!!! Diane and I became very frustrated trying to figure out how to get me on board. We finally gave up and went to my insurance agent’s office for help. The receptioni­st who waited on us seemed inconvenie­nced that we had showed up. She was totally unsympathe­tic to our plight. Finally, after a few questions she referred us to our mobile phone provider.

The lady at T-mobile could not have been nicer. She was more than happy to help us with our problem. She got me enrolled with the Apple store, got me signed up for Drivewise and answered a few other questions about my account.

Proverbs 15:1 says “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” When I entered my insurance agent’s office I was merely frustrated. When I left I was frustrated and angry. The receptioni­st words did nothing to address my frustratio­n. When I entered the T-mobile I was still angry and frustrated. However, this time my concerns were met with soft words that quickly dispelled my anger and frustratio­n. In fact they gave me hope that the end of my quest was in sight.

I suspect that my trying to get Drivewise on my mobile phone will not be the last time I will experience frustratio­n in attempting to take advantage of the new technology. In fact right now I am experienci­ng some of this frustratio­n in attempting to post my musings on a web site. Still working on the picture thing! You might check out my progress at musingsfro­mtheheartl­ Hope I will be able to find someone like the lady at T-mobile!

Proverbs 16:24 says “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” This is true not only for the person speaking them but for those who are listening. The proverb is not only true for business, but in every area of life. Before we are quick to criticize others we need first to look how well we are doing ourselves. Jesus said “Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye.” (Mat. 7:3-5)

My experience trying to get Drivewise on my mobile phone was a reminder to me that I need to be more careful with my words and actions. Are they turning away wrath or are they stirring it up? For my own mental and spiritual health I need to focus on language which is like a honeycomb.

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