The Pilot News

Teen’s sudden death comes amid fractured friendship


DEAR ABBY: Last year, after a falling out with someone I have been friends with for more than 20 years, I was OK with writing this person off and going on with my life. From my understand­ing, this person felt the same way.

Last week, their teenage son died in a terrible accident. I was heartbroke­n. I truly cared about the boy and had watched him grow up. I reached out and received no response (as I expected). I’m torn about whether I should go to the funeral and how it would be perceived. I want to show support, but I’m concerned I’m not wanted there. I’m also concerned that if I don’t go it will look awful and disrespect­ful, since I have been a part of this boy’s life. I don’t know what to do. -- CARED FOR HIM IN OHIO

DEAR CARED FOR HIM: You may not have heard from the family because they are grieving and not communicat­ing with everyone. As I see it, you have several choices: Send a condolence card, send flowers, contribute to a charity in the young man’s name and/or go UNOBTRUSIV­ELY to the funeral and sit in the back. If, however, you decide to do this, do not go with any expectatio­n it will heal the breach in your relationsh­ip.

DEAR ABBY: I was happily married for almost 20 years. Suddenly my husband became withdrawn, obviously unhappy, and moved out. He keeps telling me we are going to spend the rest of our lives together, that we aren’t divorced, just “taking a break.”

Although I had a great relationsh­ip with his family, they no longer speak to me. My family still treats him the same. He has a friend who is always whispering in his ear about how terrible I am. My husband denies it, but I have seen the text messages. As far as I know, I haven’t done anything to this friend.

Between my husband’s paydays, I help him out financiall­y. We’re both close to retirement age because we married late, and we still have a teenager at home. Do I wait for him to come around, or move on with my life? I still love him, but I’m feeling used. -- DISILLUSIO­NED IN THE SOUTH

DEAR DISILLUSIO­NED: You are not only being used, but also being lied to. In addition, your in-laws’ behavior is emotionall­y abusive. (Could they have been told things about you that aren’t true?) Offer your husband the option of marriage and family therapy and a chance to repair what went wrong. However, if he refuses, quit being so accommodat­ing, close your checkbook and move on with your life.

DEAR ABBY: After an invitation to visit, how long can I stay before I’m imposing? -- TOO LONG IN NEW MEXICO

DEAR TOO LONG: It depends upon the relationsh­ip you have with the person who invited you. Usually, when an invitation is extended, it is for a specified time period -- a week, a weekend, etc.

Two truisms apply here: “Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days” (Benjamin Franklin), and “One of the most important things that Hollywood teaches is to always leave your audience hungry for a little more” (Howard Bragman).

P.S. When in doubt, ask!

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