The Pilot News

Hat nutrition labels do and don’t tell you


Q: You keep telling us to pay attention to the nutrition labels, but the truth is, they don’t make a lot of sense sometimes. Could you give a tour of how to read it all please? -- Casey P., Columbia, Missouri

A: Nutrition labels can be confusing, so let’s start at the top.

-- First, it lets you know how many servings are in the product, how big each serving size is, and how many calories it contains. Rarely does the serving size bear much resemblanc­e to what you dish up on a plate. One example is a frozen macaroni and cheese (which we think you should skip altogether). Its serving size of 1 cup is far less than what most people eat in a sitting, so instead of getting the 330 calories the label proudly displays, there’s a good chance you’ll take in 600 or more. So beware!

-- Then there’s the mysterious percent of Daily Value. DV is based on the assumption that you eat 2,000 calories daily. The label then lets you know what percent of needed intake of a nutrient one serving provides. For example, if it says “Vitamin D 10%,” that means that for someone eating 2,000 calories a day, one serving will provide 1/10 of the needed intake.

-- A bit more helpful are the quantities provided in one serving: For example, that listing for vitamin D also says a serving contains 20 mcg. Unfortunat­ely, not everyone needs 20 mcg a day; need is determined with a blood test and influenced by sex, age and health.

-- We’re happy that added sugar is on the label. It’s a gut biome-destroying, inflammati­on-promoting, insulin-resistance-causing no-no. However, the label may indicate you’re getting just a bit of your DV -but we say there is no daily value to added sugar; you should always avoid it.

The labels can be helpful, but you need to do some homework too and learn about the nutrients your body needs and the healthiest way to get them every day. For guidance check out “System OZ: 4-Week Meal Plan and Shopping Guide” at

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