The Pilot News

Baked apples


Dear Heloise: I was ready to bake apples but was short of a pan, so I put them in a cupcake pan and had great apples. I read your hints in the Free Lance-star from Fredericks­burg, Virginia. -Rosemarie M., Woodbridge, Virginia


Dear Heloise: I recently burned coffee in my glass coffee carafe. Getting my hand in there and scrubbing was difficult, until I remembered you had a hint one time for using baking soda and ice cubes inside the carafe and swirling it around until the burnt coffee came loose. It works beautifull­y! Thanks for an easy and effective way to remove burnt-on coffee! -- Kassidy C., Lake Charles, Louisiana SEND A GREAT HINT TO: Heloise P.O. Box 795001 San Antonio, TX 78279-5001 Fax: 1-210-HELOISE



Dear Heloise: You had a recipe for fried rice that I just loved. Would you repeat that recipe? I haven’t seen it in your column for a long time, and I really would like to make it for my family. -- Judy D., Newton, Kansas

Judy, I love this recipe, too. My mother brought this recipe back with her from her time in China, back in the ‘40s. You’ll need:

3 cups cooked rice (1 cup of dry rice cooked in 2 cups of water, or follow package directions) 4-5 slices bacon (diced) and drippings

3-4 eggs

3-4 cut green onions or scallions, tops and all Leftover bits of pork, beef or ham, chopped into small pieces (optional)

Soy sauce to taste Cook and cool rice a day ahead or at least earlier in the day. It’s better if the rice has had a chance to dry out a bit. Brown the bacon in a heavy skillet until crisp. Remove bacon and turn down heat. Slightly beat eggs and pour them into the hot bacon drippings. Add rice and onions or scallions; mix together. Add bacon and leftover meat. Mix everything together. Add soy sauce until the rice is as brown as you like it. Stir well and cook on low heat for 15 to 20 minutes. You can find more easy-to-prepare recipes like this in my pamphlet “Heloise’s Main Dishes and More.” To get a copy, simply go to or send $3 along with a stamped, self-addressed, long envelope to: Heloise/main Dishes, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. -Heloise


Dear Heloise: Everyone in my family loves ice cream in summer and winter. I could just put ice cream in a bowl and serve it that way, but I like to dress it up, especially if we have company for dinner. Last night I served coffee ice cream with a raspberry topping and some whipped cream on top. Last week, when we had friends over, I served vanilla ice cream with a coffee liqueur mix and a chocolate topping and crushed almonds. It’s not exotic, but it sort of dresses up the meal. -- Carolyn W., Flagstaff, Arizona


Dear Heloise: I’ve found that my cheese grater can double as a grater for butter, lemon or orange zest. The zest is so fine that I can add it to my orange cream cake to add flavor and color. -- Tamara K., Ashburn, Virginia


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