The Pilot News

New insights into improving quality of life with Parkinson’s


Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease 31 years ago. While it’s a progressiv­e neurodegen­erative condition, those who get it before age 50 -- around 10% to 20% of cases -can, like Fox, live with it for decades. Even people diagnosed around age 60 can live for 10 to 20 more years. But the quality of those decades can vary widely, as two studies show.

A study in Neurology looked at the effect -- over a five-year period -- of four hours a week of moderate to vigorous exercise on the balance and walking ability of newly diagnosed patients. Turns out it slowed decline of motor skills related to posture and gait. The researcher­s also observed that folks who maintained a steady level of work-related activity stayed cognitivel­y sharper than those who didn’t.

Another study in Neurology looked at the impact of dietary flavonoids on the lifespan of folks with PD. Getting more than three servings weekly of foods loaded with flavan-3-ols and anthocyani­ns was most beneficial, improving survival rates by 66% to 69% during the study period. Flavan-3-ols are in apples, hops, tea, beer, wine and black tea, and anthocyani­ns are in blackcurra­nts, blackberri­es and blueberrie­s, eggplant skin, red cabbage, cranberrie­s and cherries.

So, if you have PD, it’s time to eat (berries and apples), drink (black tea) and be active. For recipes, see my “What to Eat When Cookbook,” and for exercises, check out www. apdaparkin­ Search for “What types of exercises are best for people with Parkinson’s disease.”

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