The Pilot News

COME! It’s OK- - we ARE open Sundays at First United Methodist Church


PLYMOUTH — Come join us in church. You’ll be glad you did and so will God as we are looking forward to seeing YOU. The UCC has very graciously opened their sanctuary for our use at 8:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. on Sunday. Services will continue to be live streamed on Facebook and posted shortly after the service.

SPECIAL MUSIC: Cellist Luke Felde will be playing “Were You There” for the Musical Meditation and Organist Kay Finlay will play “Adagio” for the Prelude at the 8:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. service.

SUNDAY’S LITURGISTS: Susan Wautelet at the 8:30 a.m. service and Ruth Vanvactor at the 11:15 a.m. service.

Pastor Byron’s MESSAGE: “Forgive - - As We Forgive”

Congregati­onal Benedictio­n “Go Now In Peace” will be sung by all at the close of the service.

COMMUNITY MEAL: Wednesday, March 30th from 5-7 pm (or until food runs out) will be carry out only. The menu includes sloppy Joes, coleslaw, chips and brownies.

LENTEN LUNCH STUDY, WEDNESDAYS DURING LENT, NOON TO 1:00 PM: Lent features a Sunday worship emphasis on the Lord’s Prayer with a follow-up Class Session on Wednesdays at noon in FUMC Fellowship Hall. Bring a sack lunch and beverage. Come for all or part of the class session. During Lent we will dig into the meaning and history of the prayer to help us pray the prayer with fresh vigor. The class session shall feature video presentati­ons by Adam Hamilton.

LET US PRAY: Dear Heavenly Father, I know Your heart must break when You see all the evil, sickness and injustice in the world. Please do mighty works in this world God. Protect us and draw us all to You as only You can do. And please use me in whatever capacity You can. I want to help, God. Use me. Show me how. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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