The Pilot News

^HINTS FROM HELOISE] Customer service


Dear Heloise: I just read your column about poor customer service -- so sad but so true! After 40 years in sales and marketing for a large chemical company,

I now teach a class to aspiring entreprene­urs. As you might know, 95% of all new businesses fail within the first five years, and the major reason they fail is poor service. New business owners are all fired up about making their business grow and do many things correctly at first, but then they begin the slow decline, forgetting what made them successful for the first four years. Nobody wants to actually talk to customers anymore!

I tell people in my classes, if you want to separate yourselves from your competitio­n, simply give better customer service. Customers will forgive an egg that wasn’t cooked properly, but they always remember the owner or manager who ignored their complaint. Keep up the good work. -- Ken, D., via email


Dear Heloise: I just figured out how to remove the leftover wax in candles that come in glass containers. I pour boiling water into a Pyrextype bowl then set the candle in the water. After a few minutes, the wax becomes loose. Then I carefully pull out the wax and wipe the inside of the container with paper towels while still warm until all residual wax is removed. Voila! You now have a small vase, votive candle holder or container for something else. I run it through the dishwasher to remove any residual wax smears. -- Diana Craft, Dallas


Dear Heloise: A person reported recently that she used the plastic bag her newspaper was delivered in to pick up after her dog. I have taken the idea one step further. I don’t have a dog, but a friend does. I save my plastic bags from newspaper deliveries and put them in an empty tissue box. When it is full, I give it to my friend. So I’m now recycling the plastic bags and my tissue boxes. -- Vicki M., Fort Wayne, Indiana


Dear Heloise: A few months ago I noticed that two outdoor chairs that I bought (along with a small table) were coming unwoven. I couldn’t remember how old they were, but since they were barely used, I felt they should still look new. I wound up phoning the online supplier, and they directed me to the manufactur­er. I was amazed to learn they had an “out of warranty” department! I emailed them and sent pictures of the chairs. In short order I received two new chairs and was treated like royalty. I wonder how many retailers will make good on their merchandis­e after the warranty is up? It’s worth a try. -- Nancy, The Villages, Florida


Dear Heloise: A woman recently wrote about adding informatio­n to photos, such as names, dates, locations, etc., for her family. Please add last names, if possible. My husband has several family members with similar names, such as Therese/theresa, Marie/mary, or duplicate first names. They even look similar! Last names can help distinguis­h who is who, and middle initials are really helpful, too! The more informatio­n the better! Thank you for all your wonderful advice over the years! -- J. Laplante, via email

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

(c)2022 by King Features Syndicate Inc.


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