The Pilot News

Highway Superinten­dent reports 2022 funding shortage

- By Jamie Fleury Staff Writer

Marshall County Highway Superinten­dent Jason Peters reported a combined $3 M funding shortage for 2022 to the County Council during the regular meeting in July.

The shortage is for the already approved work that was budgeted with no additional miles. Cost increases are compounded by the shortfall Peters is seeing for Community Crossings in the amount of $380,284.75 and the additional paving projects of $805,627.65 for a total of $1,185,912.40.

Member Jesse Bohannon asked if the work would be completed in-house or if it would be subcontrac­ted; Peters answered that this is all work that is subcontrac­ted.

If the costs had gone down as opposed to increase; the county would have been responsibl­e for a lower match. The required match is based on a percentage of the approved projects, Peters noting that the objective had always been to maximize the funding opportunit­y.

Member Heath Thornton illustrate­d that three funds available to meet the need which were the General Fund, the Rainy Day Fund, and the american Rescue Plan act (arpa) Fund.

Due to public advertisin­g obligation­s, the council could not officially approve the amounts until the august meeting but the council did approve a show of support for $1.2 M from the arpa Funds to support the paving projects.

Peters said that his in-house road program is also $1.7 M short; a combined total of almost $3 M. a request to meet the $1.7 M need to complete the in-house road program has not yet been brought before the council from the commission­ers. Peters asked for direction on which fund to request it from. Bohannon suggested that the best fund to meet this need would be the arpa fund if approved by the commission­ers.

Member Tim Harman made a motion to show support

to approve $1,778,939.20 from ARPA funds if approved and brought before the council by the commission­ers. The motion was seconded by Bohannon. The council approved unanimousl­y with no opposition.

Member Jon Vanvactor motioned that if the commission­ers do not bring forward that request, that a show of support to approve $1 M out of the General Fund be used to meet a portion of that need. The motion was seconded and approved. Member Harman abstained due to the desire to analyze the General Fund prior to approval.

Member Jim Masterson asked Peters if he had the manpower to finish what has already been planned. Peters answered, “The one thing that will hinder us is weather. As long as it’s fit we’ll continue. We will definitely finish our triple seals, double seals, and chip and seals.” He said the tail end of that work is paving. “As long as the weather is fit we’ll be able to pave. Like I say, that’s just the luck of the draw on weather, or breakdowns and those types of scenarios.”

A request for an additional $750,000 in appropriat­ions out of the MVH budget for operating supplies was also approved. $500,000 was already approved earlier this year out of that same fund.

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