The Pilot News

Nothing is Impossible

- BY BOB COLLIER northsalem­

For two thousand years, Christians have been marveling at Jesus’ miracle of changing water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. We all love the miracle sto- ries in the Gospels: Jesus feeds thousands of people with just a couple of loaves of bread and a few fish; Jesus gives sight to a blind man; Jesus heals ten lepers; Jesus cures a paralytic. And we may feel ourselves longing for such miracles to be performed in our time and place. Often, we pray for miracles. And that’s OK, the New Testament writers are telling us. They’re telling us to open ourselves up to the reality that God’s Grace can work miracles in our lives. They’re constantly reminding us that nothing is impossible to God — nothing! “How can this be?” said Mary to the angel who told her she would give birth to the Messiah. “Nothing will be impossible with God,” the angel replied. One lesson (perhaps the main lesson) we learn from the wedding story (Johnchapte­r 2) is the fact that Jesus and Mary are there as invited guests. They obviously “fit in.” The story suggests that they are very much part of the festivity. Mary is circulatin­g well enough to quickly learn of the host’s embarrassm­ent because the wine is running out. She does not hesitate to talk to the waiters about it, advising them to follow Jesus’ instructio­ns. “Do whatever He tells you”, she says. Nor does she have any doubt that Jesus wishes to see the celebratio­n continue. She appeals to Him for help, confidentl­y. Jesus and Mary do not hold themselves above innocent human joy! They participat­e in it. “I have come that the world may be one,” is Jesus’ message to us. Jesus has come to bestow his miracle of transforma­tion on us. Jesus has come to bring us together, to draw us ever deeper into his blessed Kingdom of peace and brotherhoo­d and love. Notice, in today’s Gospel story, how Jesus draws the ordinary servants into his miracle of transforma­tion. But suddenly, they find that they are being drawn into a miraculous event. Jesus has made them his co-workers. Together, with Jesus, they dramatize the wondrous miracle of human concern for others and their problems. Two thousand years ago, Jesus’ mother, Mary, told the servants at the wedding feast in Cana to “Do whatever He tells you.” The servants faithfully followed Jesus’ instructio­ns and a miracle of transforma­tion took place: water was transforme­d into wine. Do whatever he tells you and you will rejoice over the miracle of transforma­tion that takes place in your life.

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