The Pilot News

What Pleases God?

- BY DENNIS WENZEL Dennis Wenzel is the Spiritual Support Director at the Catherine Kasper Home in Donaldson, also serving St. John’s Lutheran in North Liberty.

Reflection­s on Hebrews 11:140

“To have faith is to be sure of things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. It was by their faith that people of ancient times won God’s approval… No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:1&6

I enjoy awards shows like The Academy Awards and the Grammys. The entertainm­ent industry seeks out members of their organizati­ons who have done outstandin­g and great work, which advances the ideals of their business. As I watch the different categories being announced, cameras pan the audience showing who is nominated for that award. The expression­s vary for other people from hope and expectatio­ns to the feeling “I got this one.” When the name of the person is announced the audience claps and cheers them on, this person has met the expectatio­ns of the organizati­on and often excels further in their accomplish­ments.

The 11th chapter of Hebrews is known as the “Hall of Fame” of God’s people. Looking through all 40 verses you will recognize people whom you read about in the Bible and many others you have not heard about before. Most of these people did not know each other when they lived on earth, because there were a couple hundred if not a thousand years between them. Some of these people we would classify as saints, others had questionab­le lives that make us wonder how they found favor with God? Even though they did not know each other, they all had two things in common: faith and pleasing God.

Over the years I have talked with many people who have struggled with their faith. Sometimes events in their lives have caused them to question God’s wisdom for them. Others have experience­d situations in the world, which have shaken their faith, feeling that God was the cause of this tragedy. Others have been told by a parent or grandparen­t what to believe about God, which contained their own bias, which still stands for them today. Once a person at church confronted me asking, just tell me what to believe. As we talked I explained, if I tell you what to believe then it would be my experience of God living in you; not your experience of God living in you.

Do you want to please God? The first step is, do you have faith? Having faith means, do you believe that God exists. Many people live with the idea of God or a higher power, but is that idea active in your life? Do you look at situations around you and feel that God has everything in control? Certain things we cannot see or may never see, but do you have faith that God will see it through?

The second step is, do you seek God? Pleasing God is not only believing in God but do you seek him. Not only when you need something or you want God to bail you out of a situation. Do you sit in silence and dwell in God’s presence? Are you available at all times to help another person and share your faith with them? Are you meeting the expectatio­ns God has set out for you? Then with your faith, you are pleasing God. Even though this list of faithful people seems closed, it is not. God adds to this list every day of those who are faithful to him; you may be next.

Dear Lord, I used to say I believe in you and left it at that. But now I know that my actions of faith must be shared with others. Lord draw me closer to you as I seek to be in your presence. Amen.

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