The Pilot News

The benefits of mindfulnes­s and exercise


Q: I read a report that says neither exercise nor mindfulnes­s has cognitive benefits as you get older. Is this true? -Joey T., Boston

A: I’m glad you asked about that study recently published in JAMA. Researcher­s tracked four groups of 65- to 84-year-olds who had some concerns about their cognitive abilities for 18 months: one group did an hour of stress-reducing mindful meditation daily; one group did 300 minutes weekly of aerobic, strength and functional exercises; a third did a combo of the first two; and a control group got info on healthy living. At the end, there was no difference in the cognitive abilities of any group -- in fact, all groups saw an improvemen­t. The researcher­s concluded: makes no difference if you meditate or exercise or not.

Baloney! All it proves is that over that length of time those particular people, who had no diagnosed cognitive problems, remained free of brain dysfunctio­n. Also, the control group didn’t see their cognition decline, as was expected. This was a well-designed study, but it included the wrong group of folks, in my humble opinion.

I don’t want you to think for one moment that you’re not able to have a powerful effect on your cognition as you age. The National Institutes of Health says: “Mindfulnes­sbased treatments have been shown to reduce anxiety and depression ... lower blood pressure and improve sleep. It may even help people cope with pain.” And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declares, “Physical activity can improve your cognitive health -- helping you think, learn, problemsol­ve, and enjoy an emotional balance [and] improve memory and reduce anxiety or depression.”

Keeping your brain sharp depends on good blood flow (that requires consistent physical activity), effective stress management (being able to detach and evaluate -- oh, yeah, being mindful!), active engagement with people and new ideas and activities, and a diet that supplies a variety of essential nutrients, minerals and healthy fats. Don’t stop pursuing a younger, longer, healthier life.

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