The Pilot News

Breathe Free Marshall County and Marshall County Parks and Rec to create smoking free county parks

- By angela Cornell Staff Writer

PLYMOUTH—ANNETTE Haining, the Tobacco Education Coordinato­r for the county was invited to speak to the Marshall County Parks and Recreation (MCPR) Board requesting that they pass a smoking cessation policy for the two county parks, Trails at Mill Pond and Memorial Forest. This comes on the heels of Culver and Plymouth both passing similar ordinances.

Haining pointed out the dramatic negative effects of second-hand smoke as well as the environmen­tal consequenc­es with littered cigarette butts and vapes. “I think we pretty much know how long they hang around: 15, 16 years, and all those chemicals from that filter go into the ground. It’s not healthy, it’s secondhand smoke that’s going around,” she said. “It’s a #1 litter. We know that. It’s everywhere.”

The smoking cessation policy is scheduled to be voted on next month.

Once that occurs, signs with the Breathe Easy Marshall County and the MCPR logos will be posted in the parks. “There’s no fine. It’s all just to let you know that it’s here, that we’re supporting this. You know, ‘Please don’t smoke on our properties, we are smoke free,’” said Haining. She went on to say that she would donate the signs to MCPR, enough for the two parks as well as a few extras in case MCPR expands to include other areas.

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