The Pilot News

Getting to the core of the matter


People who pump iron often brag about their super-defined abs. But for most folks, having a strong core is more about improving their quality of life, banishing inflammato­ry belly fat, and protecting themselves from falls, back pain, and incontinen­ce. Yes, those are the positive results that come from strengthen­ing your core. You can achieve them with a combinatio­n of easy-to-do activities.

Your core is made up of a group of muscles that control the motion of your pelvis, spine, and upper body. They also impact your legs and butt, as well as pelvicfloo­r muscles that can affect urination, defecation, and orgasm. So how do you strengthen your core?

Step 1: You want to become aware of your core muscles. You can do that by squeezing in your belly and tightening your glutes -don’t overdo it. Breathe out as you contract.

Step 2: Walk. It continuous­ly engages your core muscles and you can increase that by consciousl­y pulling your shoulders back, holding your head high, and contractin­g your stomach muscles with each step.

Step 3: Do core exercises using yoga, modified planks and crunches, and other floor-based exercises, including ones that engage your oblique (side) muscles. Balance exercises also engage your core.

The routine: Enjoy core-building whenever you walk. Do core-strengthen­ing exercises at least twice a week for 15 minutes. Practice balancing on one leg, and if you enjoy classes, find ones that suit your abilities and interests. The rewards are enormous -from more stability to lower inflammati­on and improved pelvic health and pleasure.

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