The Pilot News

Forgivenes­s! Details at First United Methodist Church


PLYMOUTH — Why forgive? Um, you will have to come to church to find out. The First United Methodist Church is temporaril­y meeting at the First United Church of Christ on Center Street. Two Worship Services: 8:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

BRING YOUR CHILDREN: Pastor Lauren has a CHILDREN’S SERMON every Sunday as she is focusing more on the children of the church. There is a nursery available during the services.

SPECIAL MUSIC is provided by organist Kay Finlay and pianist Amme Girten.

PASTOR LAUREN’S MESSAGE: The World We Live In: The Church Responds with - -Forgivenes­s”. “Seventy times seven” is a lot of forgivenes­s. Once is tough enough. Twice, almost unreasonab­le. Remember the adage: “Hurt me once, shame on you. Hurt me twice, shame on me.” “Seventy times seven?” Mother Teresa would have trouble with that! Yet that is precisely what Jesus advised in his dialogue with Simon Peter. Keep on forgiving, he counseled, even when forgivenes­s seems illogical. For often forgivenes­s is more of a gift we give ourselves than a favor we bestow on others. Join us in worship this Sunday as we explore how forgivenes­s impacts our lives today.

We look forward to seeing you in worship as we explore these truths and the ways they speak to us in our everyday lives.

LITURGISTS: Elaine Dick at the 8:30 a.m. service, and Sarah Smith at the 11:15 a.m. service.

LET US PRAY: Ever present God, reveal to us a fresh vision of your purpose in our lives. We ask that you open our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds to your vision so that we can do your work. Amen

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