The Pilot News

Could good carbs defeat long COVID-19? It’s worth a try


COVID-19 — and has struggled with “every symptom imaginable.” Brandon Sutter, who played hockey for the Canuck’s, had to retire after long COVID-19 knocked him out of the 2022 season. And they’re not alone: 14% of Americans had long COVID-19 by the end of 2022, according to a study in Plos One.

It’s been a challenge for researcher­s to untangle what’s going on when fatigue, achiness, anxiety, depression and/or cognition problems plague a person for weeks or months after they recover from COVID-19. But they may be closer to figuring it out, according to the Physicians Committee for Responsibl­e Medicine. They cite research that has found that COVID-19 infection lowers levels of the hormone-neurotrans­mitter serotonin, which is essential for regulation of emotions, and the quality of your sleep, digestion, wound healing, bone health, blood clotting and sexual desire. And they say that research shows a diet rich in carbohydra­tes (unrefined and not too starchy, please!) can boost sagging serotonin levels. This correlates with a metastudy that found that plant-based diets can improve anxiety, depression, sleep problems and body pain, all symptoms associated with long COVID-19.

If you’re struggling with long COVID-19, check out the unrefined carb recipes in Dr. Mike’s “What to Eat When Cookbook” and at Longevityp­ And explore ways to get serotoninb­oosting physical activity. If this doesn’t work, see your doc — getting the vaccine, if you haven’t had one, plus a combinatio­n of colchicine and atorvastat­in, along with diet and progressiv­e exercise, has been anecdotall­y reported to help.

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