The Pilot News

Here’s a cocktail of phytonutri­ents that improves memory


When it comes to enhancing your memory as you age, a lab study of a (nonalcohol­ic) cocktail made from a mixture of antioxidan­ts appears to do the trick. A mixture of COQ10, vitamin C, B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and the amino acid L-glutamine (with some other stuff you don’t want to know about) was used to help vitamin E-deficient mice reclaim diminished memory and cognition. It’s just one more piece of evidence that what you eat and the supplement­s you take can transform the aging process and protect your brain.

How can you gain the benefits of the ingredient­s used in that study? You can get a good dose of COQ-10, a powerful antioxidan­t that converts food into energy, from oily fish like salmon and 100% whole grains. Niacin and riboflavin are in fish, poultry, brown rice, nuts, seeds, legumes, bananas, and dairy (make it low-fat). L-glutamine shows up in poultry, raw spinach, raw parsley, and cabbage. These foods tamp down inflammati­on and work as antioxidan­ts that quiet cell-damaging free radicals that can age you prematurel­y.

Other powerful ways to tamp down inflammati­on and control oxidation include smart stress management (so fiery stress hormones like cortisol and inflammato­ry proteins don’t wreak havoc), getting plenty of restful sleep nightly, enjoying regular physical activity, and cultivatin­g your posse and sense of purpose.

Bonus: Learn more about the power of antioxidan­ts in’s blog “8 Antioxidan­ts to Incorporat­e Into Your Diet.” And discover your diet powers in Dr. Mike’s book “What to Eat When.”

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